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The "Hey guys look at me I'm posting from work" thread 8/11 - Printable Version

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The "Hey guys look at me I'm posting from work" thread 8/11 - Panda - 08-11-2008

Odd that we don't have one of these.

Anyway, I work as a legal intern for another couple of weeks before going back to classes.  This would be a defense attorney's office, so I get to deal with all matters criminal.  A large amount of my time is spent working on DUI cases, which range from "why the hell did this guy get pulled over?" to "jesus fuckly this man was hammered, there's no way we're going to be able to help him". 

DUI cases run in a couple of stages.

1) We do a discovery request to get the video of the traffic/DUI stop, and the drunk tank video.  From this we try and find any police error with regards to our client's rights, and then look for any discrepancies with the police report.  While da cops now all read from cue cards to make sure they don't botch the obvious stuff, they sure do lie like hell in their reports.  This is largely to take stock of what we're working with.  In the rare case where the state attorney's office has no video, we do a Motion for Powers, which means "you're hurting our client because that video would have helped us, and by not having it you're prejudicing the case unfairly".  If that motion succeeds, we win.

2)  If there wasn't REASONABLE SUSPICION for the traffic stop as evidenced on the video, which actually happens quite a bit, I get to write out a motion to suppress the evidence gathered from the stop.  Reasonable suspicion must also be clear and articuable, and "he looked odd" is not enough.  The most common police bullshit lingo for a stop is "weaving inside his lane".  Usually it's just the proper time of night for people to be driving home drunk and the driver in question barely moved in his lane.  If that's all a cop has, we can usually get the stop suppressed and any breath tests or anything else from that is thrown out from the "fruit of the poisonous tree doctrine".

3) Now if all else fails and our guy gets convicted, as a last ditch attempt we send the SAO a letter requesting the conviction be knocked down to a reckless driving (RD letters).  When writing this you look at a lot of factors, how drunk was the guy?  How drunk did he look?  What did he blow on the breath test?  Is he older?  Gainfully employed?  Did he cooperate?  Is this his first offense?  No matter how bad it is, you still try for the hail mary with one of these letters, and if it's a first offense, maybe .03 over the limit, and the guy was cooperative, the SAO will probably reduce the charge.

Anyway, I got a video from Tampa PD today and the client tried to prove he wasn't drunk by doing a backflip.  He failed.  He's a redneck bum and blew 4 times the legal limit.  This is going to be a pretty shitty RD letter in 2 weeks when this guy is convicted.

Re: The "Hey guys look at me I'm posting from work" thread 8/11 - Dave - 08-11-2008

we dont have computers where i work

i lift chairs.

Re: The "Hey guys look at me I'm posting from work" thread 8/11 - Surf314 - 08-11-2008

LOL, my job is commercial appraising which is like being in college and writing reports all the time - but for money.

Residential is just forms and stuff but with commercial there is a lot of analysis you have to do as far as potential incomes and so on.  It can be pretty interesting at times and really dull at others.  The upside is that I get to make my own hours.

Lately the business has been really wonky where we get slow for a while and then we get overloaded with work.  Also we are pretty highly regulated so you have to pay a lot of attention to what you say to clients and research and support things properly.  Personally I like looking at the architecture of some projects or think about how I would manage or use certain properties.  This curiosity actually helps me quite a bit in writing the reports and doing the research and analysis.

At one point I was thinking about taking pictures of all the interesting buildings I got to see with my fancy camera and putting together a photo set of them, but I'm worried about breaking some obscure law or regulation and then losing my job.  Its kind of like a constant fear for us, which sucks because we have to carry a lot of risk in many different areas but pay higher taxes because we are "self-employed" and have to pay a lot for education and a special insurance that covers us if we make a mistake.

TBH I'm trying to figure out my next career path.

Re: The "Hey guys look at me I'm posting from work" thread 8/11 - Kyrie Sutra FRICK - 08-11-2008

I am a college student/ housewife/ cashier. Do not tell me you are unhappy. " I have been in college since 05 and still have not completed... cause I spend all my monek on computers are strippers. lol

Re: The "Hey guys look at me I'm posting from work" thread 8/11 - Eschatos - 08-11-2008

I don't get the last step.  If the guy was obviously guilty, why try to knock his punishment down?  Even if you're the defense I think it's wrong to let a guilty guy off.

Re: The "Hey guys look at me I'm posting from work" thread 8/11 - CaffeinePowered - 08-11-2008

My job is still looking for one Sad

Re: The "Hey guys look at me I'm posting from work" thread 8/11 - Panda - 08-11-2008

(08-11-2008, 09:46 AM)Eschatos link Wrote: I don't get the last step.  If the guy was obviously guilty, why try to knock his punishment down?  Even if you're the defense I think it's wrong to let a guilty guy off.

A lot of the time the defendant in a DUI case hasn't caused any damage or harm to others and isn't going to.  DUI is first and foremost a business for the State to make money from fines and DUI/Traffic school.  In FL businesses that enforce the "get a DUI get fired" policy get a tax break so on top of losing your license and having to pay out a decent chunk of money, getting tagged with a DUI equates to losing your job for a lot of people.  Not everyone getting charged with DUI deserves to get boned that hard, and reckless driving comes with a pretty steep penalty (lose your license for the same time as a DUI, similar fine) but doesn't utterly fuck over people.  It's also worth mentioning that people go well over the legal limit without being impaired in any way quite often.  Impairment has to do with so many factors a set number is a pretty shitty way to measure it all.

And at the end of the day, the idiots that really cause problems are going to keep getting shit faced and driving no matter what you do to them short of locking them up.  It doesn't matter how many DUIs and fines you hit them with. These people have substance abuse problems and need professional help, that or they are just that fucking stupid.

Re: The "Hey guys look at me I'm posting from work" thread 8/11 - Panda - 08-11-2008

(08-11-2008, 10:01 AM)CaffeinePowered link Wrote: My job is still looking for one Sad

"High level of experience at operating a high-caliber minigun in hazardous environments."

"Works well in a synergistic relationship with another team member who has healing experience."

"Solved the riddle of 'who touched Sasha?'"

Re: The "Hey guys look at me I'm posting from work" thread 8/11 - Luinbariel - 08-11-2008

My current job is as a student.

I'll be in school for the next god knows how long, and then afterwards I hope to emerge as some sort of counselor.
However while I'm in school and accepting student loans from the government... I am not allowed to make more than $50/week, which is less than a minimum-wage part time shift per week. I tried having a job at christmas but I actually had to quit because they were paying me too much, and I was working like 8 hours a week or less... it was no longer worth it. So, I have no job, which is sometimes nice but also sometimes i'm bored silly.

Re: The "Hey guys look at me I'm posting from work" thread 8/11 - at0m - 08-11-2008

(08-11-2008, 09:40 AM)Kyrie Sutra FRICK link Wrote: I am a college student/ housewife/ cashier. Do not tell me you are unhappy. " I have been in college since 05 and still have not completed... cause I spend all my monek on computers are strippers. lol
As much as I love boobies (and believe me, I love boobies), the NSFW sig in the 'lets post from work' thread is srsly not appreciated.

(08-11-2008, 10:01 AM)CaffeinePowered link Wrote: My job is still looking for one Sad
LOOK HARDER NUBLET. Your GPA was like 3x mine, you have a Master's, and you can't find a job? You've got to be shitting me.

I'm an Automation Design Engineer. Ever see the show 'How It's Made'? I design the control systems that make the machines that make the things actually make the things.

Re: The "Hey guys look at me I'm posting from work" thread 8/11 - Dave - 08-11-2008

(08-11-2008, 04:06 PM)at0m link Wrote: As much as I love boobies (and believe me, I love boobies), the NSFW sig in the 'lets post from work' thread is srsly not appreciated.


you call yourself a man?

Re: The "Hey guys look at me I'm posting from work" thread 8/11 - cannedpeahes - 08-11-2008

Kee-ree just enjoys spraying her boobs in places. Like Dave enjoys making plastic figurines of all the dicks he's ever seen.

I'm ostensibly a student, gearing up to go for my first semester. I don't know what I'll do for money when I get there, but that, I suppose, will become my job.

Re: The "Hey guys look at me I'm posting from work" thread 8/11 - Dave - 08-11-2008

(08-11-2008, 05:04 PM)cannedpeaches link Wrote: Kee-ree just enjoys spraying her boobs in places. Like Dave enjoys making plastic figurines of all the dicks he's ever seen.

I'm ostensibly a student, gearing up to go for my first semester. I don't know what I'll do for money when I get there, but that, I suppose, will become my job.

i made one into a bobblehead!

Re: The "Hey guys look at me I'm posting from work" thread 8/11 - HeK - 08-11-2008

I would post from work, but my open internet connection is monitored, that and Budr makes browsing hard in an open office enviroment.
The other three networks on my desk are private and have no external access without a $13,800 encryption device that loads into a suitcase.

I'm a system administrator and engineer for a specific division of the Canadian federal government. I basically press buttons, travel around, and expense things to the tax payer.

The red tape here is insane. You wouldn't believe what I have to go through to try to do my job. I spent two hours today trying to ship out a bunch of memory for exchange. Forms, fin codes, reacquisition forums for cardboard and tape, security arrangements for the courier...

And then there is 'The Shield' ....  :-X

Re: The "Hey guys look at me I'm posting from work" thread 8/11 - cannedpeahes - 08-11-2008

(08-11-2008, 05:22 PM)HeK link Wrote: And then there is 'The Shield' ....  :-X

Sounds like a bad NBC drama.

Re: The "Hey guys look at me I'm posting from work" thread 8/11 - copulatingduck - 08-11-2008

I build robots right now. Built a robot teddy bear, writing my thesis on the design of a dancing robot bookshelf, and next I'll be designing more dancing robots that look like daleks (think synchronized swimming, but in 2 dimensions). No idea what I'll do after I graduate.  :-X

Re: The "Hey guys look at me I'm posting from work" thread 8/11 - A. Crow - 08-11-2008

yeah, I used to say my job was to be a student, then I got a student job, an actual non- shitty one.  I'm going to be sad on my last day, Friday.  I work IT for my university, but only for the physical facilities department, so no fucking with students or professors- just engineers, project managers, architects, and various maintenance divisions.  Easily one of the best jobs on campus. 

Re: The "Hey guys look at me I'm posting from work" thread 8/11 - HeK - 08-11-2008

(08-11-2008, 05:23 PM)cannedpeaches link Wrote: [quote author=HeK link=topic=1131.msg29818#msg29818 date=1218493359]
And then there is 'The Shield' ....  :-X

Sounds like a bad NBC drama.

It's a area of the building that is tempest shielded.
Basically the walls are lined with an electrified mesh, the doors are all air-lock style with copper seals, the AC is run through more copper mesh, and all the power is triple isolated. Any comms entering or leaving are fibre, inside armored conduit and in a vacuum to detect breaks.

Re: The "Hey guys look at me I'm posting from work" thread 8/11 - El_Fajitas - 08-11-2008

You guyses and yer fancy yobs!

My summer job is flooring installation.  I knows of all, except actual bathroom-y ceramic tile.

If you fear looking at the floor in your workplace, we are the night-elves who place new carpet without being seen.... :o

Re: The "Hey guys look at me I'm posting from work" thread 8/11 - zaneyard - 08-13-2008

(08-11-2008, 05:26 PM)CopulatingDuck link Wrote: I build robots right now. Built a robot teddy bear, writing my thesis on the design of a dancing robot bookshelf, and next I'll be designing more dancing robots that look like daleks (think synchronized swimming, but in 2 dimensions). No idea what I'll do after I graduate.  :-X
These Daleks? [Image: NewDalek1.jpg]

Oh, I work fast food.