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Re: Darkly Dreaming Dexter - Luinbariel - 08-05-2008

And here I thought this was a poll about someone that did not actually exist... :/

Re: Darkly Dreaming Dexter - CaffeinePowered - 08-05-2008

(08-05-2008, 12:24 AM)Luinbariel link Wrote: And here I thought this was a poll about someone that did not actually exist... :/

No he exists, he's alright, just young/immature

Re: Darkly Dreaming Dexter - Squishy3 - 08-05-2008

(08-05-2008, 12:43 AM)CaffeinePowered link Wrote: [quote author=Luinbariel link=topic=1037.msg27639#msg27639 date=1217913870]
And here I thought this was a poll about someone that did not actually exist... :/

No he exists, he's alright, just young/immature
[/quote]we're screwed if he really turns out to be dexter morgan. Sad

Re: Darkly Dreaming Dexter - xlilkrissyx - 08-05-2008

(08-05-2008, 12:08 AM)zaneyard link Wrote: [quote author=erraticferret link=topic=1037.msg27617#msg27617 date=1217912045]
Is he really that bad? I only played with him once, on a slow day. Didn't talk, didn't message. Just died. A lot. Then left.
he says obscenities to krissy, and in my book thats not ok for anyone in real life, nor is it ok online. you just cant get punched in the face online like you can irl.

It's not like it's one occurance. It's EVERY time I'm playing when he is. All regulars can pretty much testify to it too :/. I think he needs to get permabanned.

Re: Darkly Dreaming Dexter - KarthXLR - 08-05-2008

(08-05-2008, 01:38 AM)xlilkrissyx link Wrote: [quote author=zaneyard link=topic=1037.msg27628#msg27628 date=1217912915]
[quote author=erraticferret link=topic=1037.msg27617#msg27617 date=1217912045]
Is he really that bad? I only played with him once, on a slow day. Didn't talk, didn't message. Just died. A lot. Then left.
he says obscenities to krissy, and in my book thats not ok for anyone in real life, nor is it ok online. you just cant get punched in the face online like you can irl.

It's not like it's one occurance. It's EVERY time I'm playing when he is. All regulars can pretty much testify to it too :/. I think he needs to get permabanned.
He needs to watch his language.

Infact, I think I have his last comment recorded.

A permaban may not be necessary, but if it continues, I encourage a short ban and/or kick.

Re: Darkly Dreaming Dexter - zaneyard - 08-05-2008

(08-05-2008, 01:40 AM)KarthXLR link Wrote: [quote author=xlilkrissyx link=topic=1037.msg27657#msg27657 date=1217918288]
[quote author=zaneyard link=topic=1037.msg27628#msg27628 date=1217912915]
[quote author=erraticferret link=topic=1037.msg27617#msg27617 date=1217912045]
Is he really that bad? I only played with him once, on a slow day. Didn't talk, didn't message. Just died. A lot. Then left.
he says obscenities to krissy, and in my book thats not ok for anyone in real life, nor is it ok online. you just cant get punched in the face online like you can irl.

It's not like it's one occurance. It's EVERY time I'm playing when he is. All regulars can pretty much testify to it too :/. I think he needs to get permabanned.
He needs to watch his language.

Infact, I think I have his last comment recorded.

A permaban may not be necessary, but if it continues, I encourage a short ban and/or kick.
seconded, less he stops acting like that, im going to invent a way to punch people in the face over the internet.

Re: Darkly Dreaming Dexter - xlilkrissyx - 08-05-2008

(08-05-2008, 01:40 AM)KarthXLR link Wrote: [quote author=xlilkrissyx link=topic=1037.msg27657#msg27657 date=1217918288]
[quote author=zaneyard link=topic=1037.msg27628#msg27628 date=1217912915]
[quote author=erraticferret link=topic=1037.msg27617#msg27617 date=1217912045]
Is he really that bad? I only played with him once, on a slow day. Didn't talk, didn't message. Just died. A lot. Then left.
he says obscenities to krissy, and in my book thats not ok for anyone in real life, nor is it ok online. you just cant get punched in the face online like you can irl.

It's not like it's one occurance. It's EVERY time I'm playing when he is. All regulars can pretty much testify to it too :/. I think he needs to get permabanned.
He needs to watch his language.

Infact, I think I have his last comment recorded.

A permaban may not be necessary, but if it continues, I encourage a short ban and/or kick.

Duck banned him for 30 minutes once after talking disgusting to me. It only continued when he came back.

Re: Darkly Dreaming Dexter - KarthXLR - 08-05-2008

(08-05-2008, 01:56 AM)xlilkrissyx link Wrote: [quote author=KarthXLR link=topic=1037.msg27658#msg27658 date=1217918419]
[quote author=xlilkrissyx link=topic=1037.msg27657#msg27657 date=1217918288]
[quote author=zaneyard link=topic=1037.msg27628#msg27628 date=1217912915]
[quote author=erraticferret link=topic=1037.msg27617#msg27617 date=1217912045]
Is he really that bad? I only played with him once, on a slow day. Didn't talk, didn't message. Just died. A lot. Then left.
he says obscenities to krissy, and in my book thats not ok for anyone in real life, nor is it ok online. you just cant get punched in the face online like you can irl.

It's not like it's one occurance. It's EVERY time I'm playing when he is. All regulars can pretty much testify to it too :/. I think he needs to get permabanned.
He needs to watch his language.

Infact, I think I have his last comment recorded.

A permaban may not be necessary, but if it continues, I encourage a short ban and/or kick.

Duck banned him for 30 minutes once after talking disgusting to me. It only continued when he came back.
If it's necessary. Let the ban hammer come down.

Re: Darkly Dreaming Dexter - xlilkrissyx - 08-05-2008

(08-05-2008, 02:01 AM)KarthXLR link Wrote: [quote author=xlilkrissyx link=topic=1037.msg27666#msg27666 date=1217919410]
[quote author=KarthXLR link=topic=1037.msg27658#msg27658 date=1217918419]
[quote author=xlilkrissyx link=topic=1037.msg27657#msg27657 date=1217918288]
[quote author=zaneyard link=topic=1037.msg27628#msg27628 date=1217912915]
[quote author=erraticferret link=topic=1037.msg27617#msg27617 date=1217912045]
Is he really that bad? I only played with him once, on a slow day. Didn't talk, didn't message. Just died. A lot. Then left.
he says obscenities to krissy, and in my book thats not ok for anyone in real life, nor is it ok online. you just cant get punched in the face online like you can irl.

It's not like it's one occurance. It's EVERY time I'm playing when he is. All regulars can pretty much testify to it too :/. I think he needs to get permabanned.
He needs to watch his language.

Infact, I think I have his last comment recorded.

A permaban may not be necessary, but if it continues, I encourage a short ban and/or kick.

Duck banned him for 30 minutes once after talking disgusting to me. It only continued when he came back.
If it's necessary. Let the ban hammer come down.

Agreed. I think it's VERY necessary.

Re: Darkly Dreaming Dexter - Vongore - 08-05-2008

[Image: dexterut9.jpg]

Re: Darkly Dreaming Dexter - A. Crow - 08-05-2008

(08-05-2008, 02:05 AM)xlilkrissyx link Wrote: [quote author=KarthXLR link=topic=1037.msg27667#msg27667 date=1217919711]
[quote author=xlilkrissyx link=topic=1037.msg27666#msg27666 date=1217919410]
[quote author=KarthXLR link=topic=1037.msg27658#msg27658 date=1217918419]
[quote author=xlilkrissyx link=topic=1037.msg27657#msg27657 date=1217918288]
[quote author=zaneyard link=topic=1037.msg27628#msg27628 date=1217912915]
[quote author=erraticferret link=topic=1037.msg27617#msg27617 date=1217912045]
Is he really that bad? I only played with him once, on a slow day. Didn't talk, didn't message. Just died. A lot. Then left.
he says obscenities to krissy, and in my book thats not ok for anyone in real life, nor is it ok online. you just cant get punched in the face online like you can irl.
It's not like it's one occurance. It's EVERY time I'm playing when he is. All regulars can pretty much testify to it too :/. I think he needs to get permabanned.
He needs to watch his language.
Infact, I think I have his last comment recorded.
A permaban may not be necessary, but if it continues, I encourage a short ban and/or kick.
Duck banned him for 30 minutes once after talking disgusting to me. It only continued when he came back.
If it's necessary. Let the ban hammer come down.
Agreed. I think it's VERY necessary.
The lady doth protest too much, methinks.

Re: Darkly Dreaming Dexter - Vongore - 08-05-2008

(08-05-2008, 02:52 AM)Vongore link Wrote: [Image: dexterut9.jpg]


Re: Darkly Dreaming Dexter - xlilkrissyx - 08-05-2008

(08-05-2008, 03:05 AM)Vongore link Wrote: [quote author=Vongore link=topic=1037.msg27682#msg27682 date=1217922762]
[Image: dexterut9.jpg]



Re: Darkly Dreaming Dexter - CaffeinePowered - 08-05-2008

Next time it happens message me

Re: Darkly Dreaming Dexter - Dave - 08-05-2008

(08-05-2008, 10:30 AM)CaffeinePowered link Wrote: Next time it happens message dave so he can shout at him a bit first


Re: Darkly Dreaming Dexter - Vongore - 08-07-2008

Well, tonight i was playing on #2 on Melee_ringking, when this douche starts buildind some sentries. After being kicked the following chat went by

Vongore [BRB.u] :  i always wonder why don't we just ban him permamently
Darkly Dreaming Dexter :  because Im a regular, and I make people have fun
Vongore [BRB.u] :  PFFF
Darkly Dreaming Dexter :  but I got  a serious problem with people kicking me because im having fun
Vongore [BRB.u] :  JAJAJAJ!

OMG, i laughed so hard i woke up the guy who was sleeping on the dept next to mine. Really, How can anyone be so damn annoying and still think we like him.. AND HE THINKS HE IS A REGULAR xD!!

Yea Dexter, you make me have fun, really, by breaking the rules, saying shit and cursing admins..

Also,  This is no way to treat an Admin after he kicked you

Darkly Dreaming Dexter :  your a dumb cunt

We all waited for this, Caff, i'm notifying you. Please, can you please Ban him permanently Big Grin?

Re: Darkly Dreaming Dexter - copulatingduck - 08-07-2008


I gave the guy a few warnings the other night; he shutup after that, but I've gotten nothing but complaints from people since then about his douchebaggery while I've been offline, so I'm gonna go ahead and give him the boot.

Re: Darkly Dreaming Dexter - Darkly Dreaming Dexter - 08-07-2008

A whole thread about me.

Honestly? for the last 2 weeks I've played in peace and made a few comments to people who would hear it and not bitch.

I have the right to  be angry when I'm kicked for having fun.

OMG its one sentry gun while there are only 2 people playing.


EDIT: I talk like that because I think 2-3 weeks of play is enough to establish someone. For the time mentioned if I even seen the server was full, I chose it over the others on my list. I agree I took it a bit to far with krissy, but I was really just trying to make crude jokes.

Its called laughing, Do it.

Re: Darkly Dreaming Dexter - Vongore - 08-07-2008

(08-07-2008, 02:44 AM)Darkly Dreaming Dexter link Wrote: A whole thread about me.

Honestly? for the last 2 weeks I've played in peace and made a few comments to people who would hear it and not bitch.

I have the right to  be angry when I'm kicked for having fun.

OMG its one sentry gun while there are only 2 people playing.


EDIT: I talk like that because I think 2-3 weeks of play is enough to establish someone. For the time mentioned if I even seen the server was full, I chose it over the others on my list. I agree I took it a bit to far with krissy, but I was really just trying to make crude jokes.

Its called laughing, Do it.

Meh.. Ok, Just one thing


[Image: satan.jpg]

Ok, that was childish, but i had to do this Big Grin

Re: Darkly Dreaming Dexter - timepants - 08-07-2008

(08-07-2008, 02:44 AM)Darkly Dreaming Dexter link Wrote: A whole thread about me.

Honestly? for the last 2 weeks I've played in peace and made a few comments to people who would hear it and not bitch.

I have the right to  be angry when I'm kicked for having fun.

OMG its one sentry gun while there are only 2 people playing.


EDIT: I talk like that because I think 2-3 weeks of play is enough to establish someone. For the time mentioned if I even seen the server was full, I chose it over the others on my list. I agree I took it a bit to far with krissy, but I was really just trying to make crude jokes.

Its called laughing, Do it.

Dexter we were playing on RINGKING. You know why I have a problem with sentries on Ring King? It's a melee only map. You aren't supposed to use guns and you aren't supposed to build SENTRIES. You were given fair warning before you were kicked.

Also, learn how to count. There were six people on the server. I don't care if you were having fun, because getting shot by a sentry while I only have access to melee weapons is not fun for anyone else on the server.