Be Right Back, Uninstalling
the IRC channel is infested with ingroups of 13 year olds - Printable Version

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Re: the IRC channel is infested with ingroups of 13 year olds - Versus - 07-13-2009

[17:53:29] <@copulatingduck>  _____________________
[17:53:30] <@copulatingduck> < james fucks kittens >
[17:53:30] <@copulatingduck>  ---------------------
[17:53:30] <@copulatingduck>   \
[17:53:30] <@copulatingduck>    \
[17:53:32] <@copulatingduck>       /\_)o<
[17:53:34] <@copulatingduck>      |      \
[17:53:37] <@copulatingduck>      | O . O|
[17:53:39] <@copulatingduck>       \_____/

Re: the IRC channel is infested with ingroups of 13 year olds - copulatingduck - 07-13-2009

you made it all fucked up Sad

Re: the IRC channel is infested with ingroups of 13 year olds - Versus - 07-13-2009


I thought I used the right font, too. :<

Re: the IRC channel is infested with ingroups of 13 year olds - ToiletDuck - 07-13-2009

(07-13-2009, 05:48 PM)CopulatingDuck link Wrote: [pre]18:46 -!- d1str3ss was kicked from #brbuninstalling by ainmosni [colours suck]

[Image: thats_racist.gif]

lawls i was just about to post this

what a racist!