Be Right Back, Uninstalling
Mod Thursdays Feb. 11th - Robots and Dinosaurs - Printable Version

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Re: Mod Thursdays Feb. 11th - Robots and Dinosaurs - wangmauler - 02-11-2010

I tried for over an hour to get into the server. Twice it opened up a free slot, but filled up before my game loaded. Sad

Re: Mod Thursdays Feb. 11th - Robots and Dinosaurs - Black Aspen - 02-11-2010

..... I had a terrible time.  Hated it.  I brb,u'd that thing as soon as I quit.

Re: Mod Thursdays Feb. 11th - Robots and Dinosaurs - Odin - 02-11-2010

Was pretty fun, I'd do it again.

Re: Mod Thursdays Feb. 11th - Robots and Dinosaurs - Trace - 02-11-2010

Didnt really like it  Tongue

Re: Mod Thursdays Feb. 11th - Robots and Dinosaurs - Black Aspen - 02-12-2010

I liked the robot part and I liked the dinosaur part...  Then the liking stopped there.

Re: Mod Thursdays Feb. 11th - Robots and Dinosaurs - Badgerman of DOOM - 02-12-2010

It'd be better if the escapes ALWAYS remained open and didn't reset on release press.

Re: Mod Thursdays Feb. 11th - Robots and Dinosaurs - beep beep diglett - 02-12-2010

game has issues (9/10 guns suck ass and you basically need 1 hit kill weps to do anything) and escaping was kind of retarded, bt all in all it was pretty fun

Re: Mod Thursdays Feb. 11th - Robots and Dinosaurs - Wedge - 02-12-2010

It's not bad.  Needs to have better prisoner escape options.  And I don't know why netcode for almost every source mod seems to be shit.  They all make TF2 look amazing by comparison.  I think the only one that was ever good was Dystopia.

Anyway would still play this again, BUT PVKII just got official released on Steam, so that needs to come up again soon too.

Re: Mod Thursdays Feb. 11th - Robots and Dinosaurs - copulatingduck - 02-12-2010

The guns aren't that bad, I think you guys just need to get used to the huge random recoil a la CS:S

Re: Mod Thursdays Feb. 11th - Robots and Dinosaurs - Cake Bandit - 02-13-2010

It was a lot of fun, it ran well for me the whole time.

I'd like to see where they go with this. There were a few suggestions about it, but the only one I remember clearly was a brief discussion about including the eXtacles as a playable side.

The guns take a bit of getting used to, and some are remarkably better than others. Ideally, the weapon set really lends itself to giving one or two guns to each player, and working as a coherent force.

Also, mad love for escape puzzles.

Re: Mod Thursdays Feb. 11th - Robots and Dinosaurs - CaffeinePowered - 02-13-2010

Also I suggest for next Thursday we lock the server  :-*

At least initially so everyone can get in, then open it to pubbies