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Re: Name origins - Vongore - 06-22-2011

Back when the Diablo 2 expansion came out me and 3 more friends decided to host a LAN party at my place. We were so excited we decided to create new characters using badass names (badass for a 11-12 y/o) so we started creating our cool names. A friend was called Mister Blood, the other Dark Angel, the other i can't remember but was something like xXXxDevilMaster1989xXXx and me, i called mine "Von Gore" like a german title in goryness.

A couple years after i decided that name was dumb as hell and joined both words into a single badass name.

Thus, Vongore was born

Re: Name origins - ZargonX - 06-22-2011

Back in the olden days of BBSes (fuck all of you who are too young to know what those are), I used to go as Zargon everywhere. I think it was my mental approximation of Zarkon from Voltron. Then, during a spate of particularly nasty games of Solar Realms Elite, I started a second account as Mysterious Master X in order to hide my identity and cheat :p Eventually, when some punk already had taken Zargon for some other game I was playing, I appended the X. It's stuck ever since.

Re: Name origins - k0ala - 06-22-2011

Back on FurryMUCK in 1993, I made a character called Carmine, who was a koala. Then a little game called Gears of War came out, and I decided not to take the name Carmine in any FPS shooter.

"Why should I change? He's the one who sucks!" --Michael Bolton

Re: Name origins - Wyrmidon - 06-22-2011

I started off as Myrmidon_Ron, cause I Myrmidons are my favorite class in Fire Emblem and I like mythology (Achilles' personal soldiers). Also my name is Ron (oh how clever). Then I decided that I'd give the name the 'ol Mario/Wario treatment, cause Waluigi is my favorite mario spin-off character and I decided I should get a more creative handle. Liked it more cause Wyrm is a type of dragon and again, mythology. Decided to get rid of my actual name from my handle cause it sounds better.

Re: Name origins - Hobospartan - 06-22-2011

Hobospartan is a contraction of two words.  Hobo & Spartan.

Hobo came from a beach house I stayed in a couple times.  Hobo's Retreat.  When I first got Halo: CE, I had to name my profile.  Since I had just got back from Hobo's Retreat, I went with Hobo.

As I moved on in life, I found the internets, and internets forums.  Obviously most of these already had the username Hobo taken, so I added the spartan bit because I got Hobo from Halo, and it just seemed like the logical next step.  It also helped that my High School mascot was the Spartans.

Re: Name origins - kaese - 06-22-2011

(06-22-2011, 10:53 PM)Hobospartan link Wrote: my High School mascot was the Spartans.

Mine too!

As for my username that most people can not pronounce correctly:
I live in Wisconsin where we have many cows and cheese.
I like cheese.
I speak some German.
der Käse is the German word for cheese.

It is pronounced as
I've heard a lot of people on servers pronounce it the Dutch way : Kaas  and also americanize it with 'case'. I respond more to 'case' though.

Re: Name origins - zaneyard - 06-22-2011

wher you live in wisconsin?

Re: Name origins - Dr. Zaius - 06-22-2011

(06-22-2011, 11:22 PM)Käse link Wrote: [quote author=Hobospartan link=topic=5730.msg211574#msg211574 date=1308801200]
my High School mascot was the Spartans.
Mine too!

As for my username that most people can not pronounce correctly:
I live in Wisconsin where we have many cows and cheese.
I like cheese.
I speak some German.
der Käse is the German word for cheese.

It is pronounced as
I've heard a lot of people on servers pronounce it the Dutch way : Kaas  and also americanize it with 'case'. I respond more to 'case' though.

The benefits of taking a foreign language; understanding this kind of stuff and not looking like a fool. Und ein toll Sprache, natürlich.

(06-22-2011, 09:57 PM)Wyrmidon link Wrote: I started off as Myrmidon_Ron, cause I Myrmidons are my favorite class in Fire Emblem and I like mythology (Achilles' personal soldiers). Also my name is Ron (oh how clever). Then I decided that I'd give the name the 'ol Mario/Wario treatment, cause Waluigi is my favorite mario spin-off character and I decided I should get a more creative handle. Liked it more cause Wyrm is a type of dragon and again, mythology. Decided to get rid of my actual name from my handle cause it sounds better.

Let's not forget Wyrmishy ♥

Re: Name origins - Wyrmidon - 06-23-2011

(06-22-2011, 11:41 PM)Dr. Zaius link Wrote: Let's not forget Wyrmishy ♥

Well my Wyrmipuns are fleeting, so I decided not to go into those so much. but yes, Friendship is indeed Magic.

Re: Name origins - Hobospartan - 06-23-2011

Woo Spartans.

Und wooo Deutsch.  I took four years of it in High School, and loved it.  My teacher was the absolute best teacher ever.  Of course that was three years ago now, so I've pretty much forgotten all that I knew, it's kinda sad Sad

Re: Name origins - kaese - 06-23-2011

(06-22-2011, 11:36 PM)zaneyard link Wrote: wher you live in wisconsin?

Madison, and going to school here.

(06-22-2011, 11:41 PM)Dr. Zaius link Wrote: The benefits of taking a foreign language; understanding this kind of stuff and not looking like a fool. Und ein toll Sprache, natürlich.

Natuerlich. Je parle francais aussi aber franzoesisch ist langweiliger als deutsch.

And that is how I think in German class. It's terrible being confused and confusing others all the time with my freutsch.

Re: Name origins - matter11 - 06-23-2011

(06-22-2011, 09:02 PM)Evil Cheese link Wrote: When I was in elementary school I used to draw a lot of shitty comics. One that I remember the most about was called the Adventures of Potato-Man (that's how I wrote it back then). Essentially it was sort of like the campy Batman or Superman comics except with a potato. My favorite villain was called (The) Evil Cheese. I think I even have a scan of one of the comics in my intro, except it featured Sour Pickle as the villain.

When I started playing CS and Quake in high school I was trying to think of a name and started with Master Evil Cheese or some variant of that. Master was kind of lame so I dropped it and have used Evil Cheese in most online games/gaming communities since.

I did the exact same thing but with hotdog man and weiner boy (cocktail weenie). their nemeses were dr burger and sinister pizza and I spent more time making lots of villains than actually making comics.

Re: Name origins - Dr. Zaius - 06-23-2011

Quote:[quote author=Hobospartan link=topic=5730.msg211589#msg211589 date=1308805828]
Woo Spartans.
Und wooo Deutsch.  I took four years of it in High School, and loved it.  My teacher was the absolute best teacher ever.  Of course that was three years ago now, so I've pretty much forgotten all that I knew, it's kinda sad Sad

(06-23-2011, 12:13 AM)Käse link Wrote: [quote author=Dr. Zaius link=topic=5730.msg211581#msg211581 date=1308804103]
The benefits of taking a foreign language; understanding this kind of stuff and not looking like a fool. Und ein toll Sprache, natürlich.

Natuerlich. Je parle francais aussi aber franzoesisch ist langweiliger als deutsch.

And that is how I think in German class. It's terrible being confused and confusing others all the time with my freutsch.

Rad. The thing that's got me bummed is the community college I'm registering at for Soph. year 'has' German classes but isn't offering the German 3&4 that I need, so I can't take it. And I'm intending to make German my minor.  :-\

(06-23-2011, 12:20 AM)matter11 link Wrote: [quote author=Evil Cheese link=topic=5730.msg211551#msg211551 date=1308794546]
When I was in elementary school I used to draw a lot of shitty comics. One that I remember the most about was called the Adventures of Potato-Man (that's how I wrote it back then). Essentially it was sort of like the campy Batman or Superman comics except with a potato. My favorite villain was called (The) Evil Cheese. I think I even have a scan of one of the comics in my intro, except it featured Sour Pickle as the villain.
When I started playing CS and Quake in high school I was trying to think of a name and started with Master Evil Cheese or some variant of that. Master was kind of lame so I dropped it and have used Evil Cheese in most online games/gaming communities since.

I did the exact same thing but with hotdog man and weiner boy (cocktail weenie). their nemeses were dr burger and sinister pizza and I spent more time making lots of villains than actually making comics.

Man, I did that comic thing, too. Oh nostalgia. Mine were The Adventures of Plungerboy  and Mark, the Average Asian. I need to go dig those out and look at em... scan em... and forget about them for another few years.

Re: Name origins - zaneyard - 06-23-2011

(06-23-2011, 12:13 AM)Käse link Wrote: Madison, and going to school here.
I live about 2 hours NE from you in manitowoc.

Re: Name origins - Hobospartan - 06-23-2011

LOL, funny story about knowing german.  I was on a field trip with my JROTC unit in Washington, DC, and we went to the Holocaust museum.  one of the first exhibits was a German newspaper, with a big headline saying something about Jews something something.  Forget exactly what it said.  Anyway, one of the girls I was with asked me what it said, not realizing that it was translated in English right below it.  I just read that, and she got all impressed with me before I decided to tell her to look below the Deutsch.  Haha, I think she hit me after that

Re: Name origins - at0m - 06-23-2011

(06-23-2011, 12:13 AM)Käse link Wrote: And that is how I think in German class. It's terrible being confused and confusing others all the time with my freutsch.
I was born in Paris and grew up hearing my parents speak French. When I started learning foreign languages my teacher was very confused as to why I spoke French like a Parisian and had a French accent when I spoke German, but spoke Spanish and English just fine.

Re: Name origins - Dtrain323i - 06-23-2011

Dtrain was a nickname I picked up at Southern Illinois when I was at a party. I was there hammered and my RA was there too. He too was hammered. Well we got into it over something (nothing most likely, just general alcohol and testosterone fueled anger) and he said some shit about my girlfriend (who is now my wife). This next part is kind of hazy but from what I'm told, someone slipped me a set of brass knuckles and I charged him, knocked him on the ground and just started swinging. Now, the funny part about all this was that it was winter, and we in the back yard of the house. The backyard was just a huge slope from the house down to the back fence. It was also a huge sheet of ice at this time of year. So as the two of us are on the ground wrestling and punching were slowly sliding down the ice to the fence. We get to the bottom of the yard and apparently I shouted "YOU JUST GOT RUN OVER BY THE DTRAIN BITCH!" and kicked him.

The next morning I'm sore as fuck. My RA walks in around noon and he's got a black eye and scuffed up knuckles. I've got bruises all over my back and on my cheek.

He walks in, says "whatever happens off campus, stays off campus" shakes my hand and walks out. Well, the Dtrain thing stuck. So thats where Dtrain came from.

The 323i I comes from a car used to own, a 1999 BMW 323i. I first used the name on a big BMW forum and I've just kept it.

Now the funny part is that Caff received the exact same nickname when HE was in college. So now, if someone says Dtrain and were in the same room, we'll both look up.

Re: Name origins - Surf314 - 06-23-2011

I've had this name since like AOL. Basically I couldn't think of a good name and I think my dad had just taken me surfing. Since my dad was a big surfer I was at the beach a lot so it kinda fit. Plus I was a pretty pro web surfer (I catch all the big sites). I kept it because 1) my memory is bad with certain things and names are one and 2) I've always believed in a persistent online identity. I know it's kind of strange but I never liked the idea you could change your identity like you can change clothes. So I had to put some numbers at the end to make it unique enough to always get it. When in doubt, add pi.

Re: Name origins - Grimthwacker - 06-23-2011

Everything you need to know about my nickname is right here, at the end of the video:
The Horde Intro Scene

"Grimthwacker" was just one of those ludicrously bombastic and awesome names that managed to stick with me through the years, and I only recently started using it as an online handle since joining the Penny Arcade Forums back in '09.  It became my Steam name when I started playing TF2, so there you go.

Re: Name origins - at0m - 06-23-2011

(06-22-2011, 05:29 PM)at0m link Wrote: I'll show you mine if you show me yours.
That's @ you, matter11