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Re: The 'Nerd Cred' thread. - ZargonX - 08-25-2011

I play in a Pokemon tabletop RPG run over the internet with some people I know from a forum set up to talk about playing Team Fortress 2.

Re: The 'Nerd Cred' thread. - Dr. Zaius - 08-25-2011

(08-25-2011, 09:46 PM)ZargonX link Wrote: I play in a Pokemon tabletop RPG run over the internet with some people I know from a forum set up to talk about playing Team Fortress 2.

Re: The 'Nerd Cred' thread. - ainmosni - 08-26-2011

(08-25-2011, 08:09 PM)geoff link Wrote: in all seriousness though, is anyone here a CLOSET nerd?

i am for sure.

nobody except those closest to me know that i have an extensive knowledge of computers/software/tech, watch the animu from time to time, play vidya religiously, and etc, and even then, the people that know hardly know even the gist of it. 

i guess i prefer to keep nerd life and regular life separate? 

Meh, I kinda used to be but at some point you just realise it's a part of who you are and it's just not worth it to keep a secret, I mean, if swingers can be very open about them being swingers, why would we be ashamed of being nerds... Being a nerd has been good to me.

Being a nerd got me
  • Launched my carreer, despite being a highschool dropout and I haven't hit a dead end yet.
  • Made me meet my gorgeous girlfriend, who I love dearly.
  • Made sure I never get bored when I'm alone because between gaming, coding, reading and watching stuff there is always something to distract me.
  • And probably a lot more because I'm very interested in science and technology.

Why would you hide that?

Re: The 'Nerd Cred' thread. - loldollas - 08-26-2011

I legit got 151 Pokemon in Blue. My brother had Red.
I read a ton at home when I'm bored
I'm pretty good at production-finalizing type photoshop/graphic design

i dunno, id have to say im like geoff about this, im not really a nerd anymore so to speak in my opinion.
Smoke weed, longboard, go to class, live with my girlfriend.....not a whole lotta nerd goin' on

Re: The 'Nerd Cred' thread. - ainmosni - 08-26-2011

(08-26-2011, 05:36 AM)loldollas link Wrote: I legit got 151 Pokemon in Blue. My brother had Red.
I read a ton at home when I'm bored
I'm pretty good at production-finalizing type photoshop/graphic design

i dunno, id have to say im like geoff about this, im not really a nerd anymore so to speak in my opinion.
Smoke weed, longboard, go to class, live with my girlfriend.....not a whole lotta nerd goin' on

Thing is, nerd is not 100% who you are, it's part of who you are... I get smashed and hang around at squat parties for 48h+, not a typical 'nerd' thing to do but still...

Re: The 'Nerd Cred' thread. - Geoff - 08-26-2011

yeah i know what you mean funbux, i do a lot of non-nerd things as well but there is still part of me that will splat at the sight of new games and things like that

i guess i just fear rejection from my peers

[Image: okayguy.jpg?1283381711]

Re: The 'Nerd Cred' thread. - Sogo - 08-26-2011

(08-25-2011, 08:44 PM)Dr. Zaius link Wrote: [quote author=geoff link=topic=5887.msg220258#msg220258 date=1314320997]
in all seriousness though, is anyone here a CLOSET nerd?

I'm dodgy about it in social situations. Pretty much all of my friends are gamers though, so it's not a big deal.

But are they gamers, or Gamers?

Re: The 'Nerd Cred' thread. - ainmosni - 08-26-2011

(08-26-2011, 12:18 PM)geoff link Wrote: yeah i know what you mean funbux, i do a lot of non-nerd things as well but there is still part of me that will splat at the sight of new games and things like that

i guess i just fear rejection from my peers

[Image: okayguy.jpg?1283381711]

Bah, if they can't accept you for who you are, are they worth hanging out with?

Re: The 'Nerd Cred' thread. - CaffeinePowered - 08-26-2011

(08-26-2011, 01:00 PM)ainmosni link Wrote: Bah, if they can't accept you for who you are, are they worth hanging out with?

This ^

Commence 'Haters gonna hate' stroll, and begin giving less fucks

Re: The 'Nerd Cred' thread. - Evil Cheese - 08-26-2011

(08-25-2011, 08:48 PM)Käse link Wrote: $Ever heard of Neopets? Well, I still have over 4 million neopoints in my account haha and I used to design webpages for my neopets.

ohai I used to do the same thing. I was sort of the web designer for my guild which was LOTR centric and full of mostly British girls. I also used to RP on the RP boards (no, not the creepy kind).

Probably the nerdiest thing I still do is play RP MUDs. Other than that I play vidja games, watch animu, and go to an occasional con.

Re: The 'Nerd Cred' thread. - at0m - 08-26-2011

(08-26-2011, 03:37 PM)Caffeine link Wrote: [quote author=ainmosni link=topic=5887.msg220376#msg220376 date=1314381607]

Bah, if they can't accept you for who you are, are they worth hanging out with?
This ^

Commence 'Haters gonna hate' stroll, and begin giving less fucks
[/quote]^ these things all day long.

Re: The 'Nerd Cred' thread. - rumsfald - 08-26-2011

I haz
- 5 digit /. uid from 1999
- 4 digit fark id from 2001

Re: The 'Nerd Cred' thread. - zaneyard - 08-26-2011

I had sex with a girl once.

Re: The 'Nerd Cred' thread. - Vandamguy - 08-26-2011

(08-26-2011, 05:58 PM)zaneyard link Wrote: I had sex with a girl once.
you fucking fail.

Re: The 'Nerd Cred' thread. - Surf314 - 08-26-2011

You guys all put me to shame. The best I got is I watched someone pirate software from a BBS when I was like 12.

Re: The 'Nerd Cred' thread. - Wyrmidon - 08-27-2011

- own/have seen a lot of foreign movies
- Touhou
- Anime
- Vocaloids

Wow, seem to be a japanophile. can't really think of much else other than playing a lot of video games, I'm pretty shit with computers.

Re: The 'Nerd Cred' thread. - A. Crow - 08-27-2011

Oh dear lord.
  • My bachelor's degree is in Engineering Physics.
  • I'm listed 3rd author on two paper published in a peer review journal (Optic's Letters)
  • One of my minors is Computer Engineering
  • I've built all my desktops (I've lost count), and at one point during school built a 4 bit processor
  • I worked in IT for 3 years (God have mercy on my soul)
  • I think I have more anime on my hard drives than anything else
  • I was a honorable mention in a national costume contest hosted by Blizzard.
  • Which spawned a Fark photoshop contest of the picture I submitted
  • And later a Blizzard April fools day joke
  • I would mention reddit and fark, but everyone here does those.

Anti-geek list
  • I'm in the Army
  • I can blow shit up, shoot you at 500M consistently, and kick your ass.

I actually have felt like a pretty bad geek these past couple years.

Re: The 'Nerd Cred' thread. - matter11 - 08-27-2011

I'm a brony

Re: The 'Nerd Cred' thread. - Dr. Zaius - 08-27-2011

(08-27-2011, 02:26 PM)matter11 link Wrote: I brought ponies to brbu.

Re: The 'Nerd Cred' thread. - ainmosni - 08-28-2011

(08-27-2011, 01:43 PM)LT Crow link Wrote:
  • I was a honorable mention in a national costume contest hosted by Blizzard.
  • Which spawned a Fark photoshop contest of the picture I submitted
  • And later a Blizzard April fools day joke

Link of this? Wink