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TF Tuesdays - 10/28/08 - Printable Version

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Re: TF Tuesdays - 10/28/08 - CaffeinePowered - 10-28-2008

(10-28-2008, 11:14 AM)CopulatingDuck link Wrote: There should really be a limit of 2 engies at most for a lot of these.. Like, any ctf map ever. Also, wtf, dbheights is awful, and I don't think I've ever seen a team actually come even close to touching the last point without the teams being ridiculously stacked. PL in general is terribad imo, but Goldrush will only attract scrubs. Just my 2 cents

Could create a 2 engineer limit, I have no problem with it...

Re: TF Tuesdays - 10/28/08 - Dave - 10-28-2008

Dustbowl/Pl_awesome_fuckduckedition  24/7

Re: TF Tuesdays - 10/28/08 - Versus - 10-28-2008

(10-27-2008, 10:01 PM)CaffeinePowered link Wrote: [quote author=Versus-p- link=topic=1658.msg46269#msg46269 date=1225162500]
pl_hoodoo, maybe see if there's an updated version? We should test it again.

Too much stock

edited a bit.

fastlane = no, ctf_well, ctf_well2 = I'm leaving the server.

I don't really remember most of these maps. Also, dbheights is pretty ridiculous.

Re: TF Tuesdays - 10/28/08 - Wedge - 10-28-2008

(10-28-2008, 11:14 AM)CopulatingDuck link Wrote: There should really be a limit of 2 engies at most for a lot of these.. Like, any ctf map ever. Also, wtf, dbheights is awful, and I don't think I've ever seen a team actually come even close to touching the last point without the teams being ridiculously stacked. PL in general is terribad imo, but Goldrush will only attract scrubs. Just my 2 cents

Srsly, plz do NOT put dbheights on rotation.  It's just a crappier version of Dustbowl, and it's not like we don't play that enough as is.  I fully support seeing desertfortress on rotation though. 

Also I guess I must have missed cp_oilfield, because I don't recognize it at all from looking at pics.  However it has a v2 now, so upgrade to that if you put it on.

Re: TF Tuesdays - 10/28/08 - Radio Raheem - 10-28-2008

It would be nice to get some more of these maps in play. I'm sick of playing nothing but Goldrush and Dustbowl. cp_Stag is solid but I've never seen it played here. Same for cp_Junction. Those who like Goldrush Dustbowl Warpath meat grinder maps would love cp_Castle 3 (not 4) but for some reason we don't have that from what I see. It would be at least a nice change of pace.

2docks and freight aboslutely kill the server population every single time. I like freight but I never see any more than 12-14 people stick around for it anymore and certainly no one joins for it.

I agree with having maps that fill the servers but they tend to bring in 24/7 type of players. Do we really want to have 5 pyros on each team all day every day? Those are what come for dustbowl and goldrush.

Re: TF Tuesdays - 10/28/08 - CaffeinePowered - 10-28-2008

(10-28-2008, 01:32 PM)Radio Raheem link Wrote: 2docks and freight aboslutely kill the server population every single time. I like freight but I never see any more than 12-14 people stick around for it anymore and certainly no one joins for it.

Um, at least when I used to play if you stuck with 12 - 14 people...on any map, the server would eventually fill up with non-regulars. As long as you didn't immediately ROCK THE VOTE every time it changed to some you don't like.

Re: TF Tuesdays - 10/28/08 - JoKeRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR - 10-28-2008

pl_dbheights, dom_canalzone, ctf_launchzone, ctf_2docks and cp_warpath2 are all horrible in my opinion.

I would like to see cp_badlands, cp_granary and cp_gravelpit played more, instead of just cp_dustbowl and pl_goldrush all the time.

Also, pl_awesome_fuckduck_edition.

Re: TF Tuesdays - 10/28/08 - Tricoden - 10-28-2008

I really second Radio about putting Cp_Stag on rotation.

Re: TF Tuesdays - 10/28/08 - CaffeinePowered - 10-28-2008

(10-28-2008, 02:59 PM)JoKeRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR link Wrote: pl_dbheights, dom_canalzone, ctf_launchzone, ctf_2docks and cp_warpath2 are all horrible in my opinion.

I would like to see cp_badlands, cp_granary and cp_gravelpit played more, instead of just cp_dustbowl and pl_goldrush all the time.

I'm not sticking stocks on rotation (if we do rotation instead of random), this includes dustbowl/goldrush.

Heights I'll agree is unbalanced, but I still think its fun, sort of like Aqua, and I enjoy that feeling when you actually DO cap. Granary will never be even be vote-able on #1 unless playing it causes TF2 to give me free blow-jobs and pudding to compensate for the suck the map oozes. I can barely tolerate badlands, but would consider sticking it on rtv.

As for CanalZone, LaunchZone, 2docks, and Warpath2, I think they are great examples of ports and originals that can play out really well and not end in a complete cluster fuck and imbalance like other maps. Warpath2 IMO is probably one of the most balanced maps out there, and momentum really goes a long way in it.

2docks and LaunchZone are great CTF maps that you pretty much can't turtle on like 2fort and don't have the sniper cluster fuck that 2fort can be as well. Stuff that makes those maps great are why I like Cancer and would consider it for rotation as well.

The other option to a new rotation is to take a large chunk of the RTV maps and create a seperate file say...'random_cycle.txt', every map change this will randomly pick one map out of that assortment to play. Meaning that you never know what is going to come next, might be a decent experiment at least to try for a week.

Re: TF Tuesdays - 10/28/08 - Geoff - 10-28-2008

(10-28-2008, 03:21 PM)CaffeinePowered link Wrote: I'm not sticking stocks on rotation (if we do rotation instead of random), this includes dustbowl/goldrush.


no dustbowl.

brb making custom dustbowl

Re: TF Tuesdays - 10/28/08 - Wedge - 10-28-2008

I liek the idea for maps that aren't quite rotation but can come up in the random selection.  Just not dbheights.  The rest of those maps are cool.  

I don't understand how anyone could hate warpath2, especially though.  At worst it can become a little stalematish, but that's only if your team refuses to organize a proper assault.  It's not nearly as bad as the neverending push back and forth of labordabor.

Re: TF Tuesdays - 10/28/08 - mavrick_nav - 10-28-2008

this will be my first official tftuesday would it help the server if i downloaded the maps in a torrent instead of from the server itself? also what time should i be on? i have to take into account my Arizona time zone

Re: TF Tuesdays - 10/28/08 - CaffeinePowered - 10-28-2008

(10-28-2008, 03:44 PM)mavrick_nav link Wrote: this will be my first official tftuesday would it help the server if i downloaded the maps in a torrent instead of from the server itself? also what time should i be on? i have to take into account my Arizona time zone

There's links in the first post for zip files to download before hand, just stick them in your maps folder

Im not sure if Arizona is on mountain or pacific, I think its mountain so that would be 7pm Mountain, learn2timezone  Tongue

Steam also time shifts everything for you locally, I just haven't had time to set up the events for the steamgroup yet

Re: TF Tuesdays - 10/28/08 - mavrick_nav - 10-28-2008

yea. no, i gotta get in by 5:30-ish to make sure im there before it starts. im downloading the map pack now. thanks

Re: TF Tuesdays - 10/28/08 - CaffeinePowered - 10-28-2008

(10-28-2008, 04:08 PM)mavrick_nav link Wrote: yea. no, i gotta get in by 5:30-ish to make sure im there before it starts. im downloading the map pack now. thanks

I hope you mean the maps on the first post of this thread, there is a general map pack for the server, but its like 1 gig and somewhat out of date...

Re: TF Tuesdays - 10/28/08 - copulatingduck - 10-28-2008

(10-28-2008, 03:01 PM)Tricoden link Wrote: I really second Radio about putting Cp_Stag on rotation.

Yes plz

Re: TF Tuesdays - 10/28/08 - Scary Womanizing Pig Mask - 10-28-2008

Also, don't listen to Wedge, keep Escherhaus

Re: TF Tuesdays - 10/28/08 - CaffeinePowered - 10-28-2008

Fail turnout is fail Sad

Guessing a lot of people had midterms, anyway, most of the maps were at least competent. I want to see what bankjob will be like when its done cause its was really really pretty, just not fully optimized. Of all 4, Heatsink Id call RTV/Rotation, and thats about it, everything else had either optimization issues or something else that made me want to slap the map maker, like a lack of clips on battledocks.

Re: TF Tuesdays - 10/28/08 - mavrick_nav - 10-29-2008

i had fun though.

Re: TF Tuesdays - 10/28/08 - jorge - 10-29-2008

Can't wait to play bankjob again.  8)