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I made this post via iphone - Printable Version

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Re: I made this post via iphone - ainmosni - 08-11-2008

(08-10-2008, 06:19 PM)Wedge link Wrote: [quote author=KarthXLR link=topic=1124.msg29455#msg29455 date=1218408406]
Why is everyone so against apple?

They just make overpriced proprietary faulty products for dumb people with too much money.

This coming from windows users is just classic... (I'm not a mac user fyi)

Re: I made this post via iphone - ToiletDuck - 08-11-2008

the iphone is pretty slick, it's probably one of the only mac products i'd rock :-[

Re: I made this post via iphone - Eschatos - 08-11-2008


Re: I made this post via iphone - Dave - 08-11-2008



Re: I made this post via iphone - copulatingduck - 08-11-2008

(08-11-2008, 02:30 AM)jðrge link Wrote: [quote author=KarthXLR link=topic=1124.msg29478#msg29478 date=1218421689]
Such as an iMac to mix sounds and undergo editing video purposes that no windows computer can manage?


Re: I made this post via iphone - hawtpawkithero - 08-11-2008

I've had my iphone since March(?)
The screen's been smashed since May.
Still works though =D

Re: I made this post via iphone - Surf314 - 08-11-2008

I like apple, they are big innovators.  But the thing about them is that they are a design company as much as they are a computer company, and many (myself included) think they overcharge for the design portion of their product.

I still bought one though because I read in consumer reports that they are super reliable and I needed a laptop so I couldn't exactly build it/fix it myself.  What a disaster that has turned out to be.

Re: I made this post via iphone - cannedpeahes - 08-11-2008

(08-11-2008, 09:08 AM)TDlove link Wrote: the iphone is pretty slick, it's probably one of the only mac products i'd rock :-[

You think you're hip, don't you?

Apple makes OSes that sometimes do what they're intended. Microsoft makes OSes that sometimes do what they're intended. The only difference being if Apple's OSes don't do what they're intended they're just not popular enough to find a hotfix. So I'll stick with my Windows, thank you.

Re: I made this post via iphone - ainmosni - 08-11-2008

(08-11-2008, 01:19 PM)cannedpeaches link Wrote: [quote author=TDlove link=topic=1124.msg29611#msg29611 date=1218463714]
the iphone is pretty slick, it's probably one of the only mac products i'd rock :-[

You think you're hip, don't you?

Apple makes OSes that sometimes do what they're intended. Microsoft makes OSes that sometimes do what they're intended. The only difference being if Apple's OSes don't do what they're intended they're just not popular enough to find a hotfix. So I'll stick with my Windows, thank you.

TBH, if the majority of the games would support either Linux or Mac OS X I would never use windows again... Because these other two OS'es DO have a sane security model, DO what they're intended to do and generally are built a lot saner than the mess that we call windows...

Both linux and Mac OS X are superior to windows on most fronts, the only front that MS has the advantage is third party support. This forces people like me, who would rather not run windows, to run the POS OS just because they want to play TF2 and other games... Hopefully the rumours of Valve porting Steam and Source to Linux are true...

Re: I made this post via iphone - HeK - 08-11-2008

(08-11-2008, 02:46 PM)ainmosni link Wrote: TBH, if the majority of the games would support either Linux or Mac OS X BSD I would never use windows again... Because these other two OS'es DO have a sane security model, DO what they're intended to do and generally are built a lot saner than the mess that we call windows...

Both linux and Mac OS X BSD are superior to windows on most fronts, the only front that MS has the advantage is third party support. This forces people like me, who would rather not run windows, to run the POS OS just because they want to play TF2 and other games... Hopefully the rumours of Valve porting Steam and Source to Linux are true...


Re: I made this post via iphone - rumsfald - 08-11-2008

(08-11-2008, 05:46 PM)HeK link Wrote: [quote author=ainmosni link=topic=1124.msg29758#msg29758 date=1218483986]
TBH, if the majority of the games would support anything but Windows I would never use Windows again...

I applied SP2.