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Re: LotR - Scary Womanizing Pig Mask - 02-23-2009

(02-23-2009, 08:06 PM)Radio Raheem link Wrote: i like how balrog was originally M Bison but the tyson reference was too obvious so they switched the names. so m bison is just a retarded name that makes no sense now

Ha, yeah. Plus they though Vega was too wimpy an name for the manly final boss, so they ended up switching three of them :/

Re: LotR - Eschatos - 02-23-2009

(02-23-2009, 06:22 PM)peaches link Wrote: Also pro-skub. Unicorn power!

Fuck you.  DOWN WITH SKUB!

Re: LotR - x - 03-07-2009

I just watched all three extended editions back to back.

Elijah Wood is a dick. Sin City was a fluke.

The undead army was bullshit. Spend all that time building up forces and forging alliances and then these God mode motherfuckers come in and clean up. If I was in Sauron's shoes, I'd have been calling hax at that point.

Also, this.

Oh, and I decided to watch them again because I'd read a post somewhere questioning whether the movies are 'timeless classics' and, after twelve solid hours, I can categorically say: not sure.

P.S. Totally better than the books. Tolkien reads like he's actively trying to prove how flowery and pretentious he can make his writing. Pages at a time of descriptions? Establishing shot. Bam! Done. Peter Jackson.

Re: LotR - Vongore - 03-07-2009

I fell asleep on two of the three movies when i went to the cinema

Re: LotR - Squishy3 - 03-07-2009

(02-23-2009, 02:08 PM)Surf314 link Wrote: Frodo was a whiny bitch.  Just shut up and throw the damn ring in the fire.

kudos to anyone who gets this  ;D

Re: LotR - copulatingduck - 03-07-2009

...budr for managing to sit through all 3 extended versions?

I couldn't even bare to watch the regular versions again after seeing the movies once.