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Planetside Saturdays - On Hiatus - Printable Version

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Re: Planetside Saturdays - On Hiatus - CaffeinePowered - 04-22-2009

The lack of stories in this thread makes me a sad panda Sad

Re: Planetside Saturdays - On Hiatus - at0m - 04-22-2009

I can't even unsub because I can't get my main computer started up

Re: Planetside Saturdays - On Hiatus - Surf314 - 04-22-2009

(04-22-2009, 01:12 PM)at0m link Wrote: I can't even unsub because I can't get my main computer started up

Best story yet?  :-*

Re: Planetside Saturdays - On Hiatus - CaffeinePowered - 04-22-2009

(04-22-2009, 01:21 PM)Surf314 link Wrote: [quote author=at0m link=topic=2712.msg78394#msg78394 date=1240423952]
I can't even unsub because I can't get my main computer started up

Best story yet?  :-*

Atom has good stories I know it, like that time he solo'd 3 guys with darklight and HA as a cloaker that were doing 'tower of doom'

Or when I lagged out driving a mag and he shot down like 4 or 5 reavers that came in on attack runs

Re: Planetside Saturdays - On Hiatus - at0m - 04-22-2009

(04-22-2009, 01:40 PM)Caffeine link Wrote: [quote author=Surf314 link=topic=2712.msg78399#msg78399 date=1240424467]
[quote author=at0m link=topic=2712.msg78394#msg78394 date=1240423952]
I can't even unsub because I can't get my main computer started up

Best story yet?  :-*

Atom has good stories I know it, like that time he solo'd 3 guys with darklight and HA as a cloaker that were doing 'tower of doom'[/quote]It was only two, but they both did have DL active after I started in on them. They were both wearing REXO, too. I managed it with an AMP. Used up all my ammo, too. They were in a forest, hiding behind the crest of a hill. It probably would've been prudent for me to pitch a jammer first, but I didn't have any on me at the time. I was down to 6HP when I finally got the last guy, less than 10 shots left in the AMP. I sent him a /t about it, letting him know how close he was - he congratulated me on my mad skillz, and expressed wonder at the fact I took out him and his buddy. It was nice back when you could get a 'gratz tell for a good kill, it doesn't happen often any more.

Quote:Or when I lagged out driving a mag and he shot down like 4 or 5 reavers that came in on attack runs
That was during a fucking bridge fight too, just out of LOS of the grunts on the other side - their air totally tried to rape us, but your surprise after being gone almost 10 minutes at the tank still being alive was pretty cool ^_^ I was down to my last two clips of ammo, too, I was glad you came back when you did Tongue

I've also taken down an NC scatmax using just a mag-scatter pistol as infil, circle strafe FTW.

The best though was when impact damage from vehicles was sky-high, I would get the Wraith going full speed and zip across bridge fights, smashing and killing the first enemy max trying to auto-run across. Fun times.

Then there was the time we had a glitched mag, that was immune to mines and turned black from the explosion effects from having cleared two whole CYs with it ^_^

Re: Planetside Saturdays - On Hiatus - CaffeinePowered - 04-22-2009

(04-22-2009, 04:05 PM)at0m link Wrote: Then there was the time we had a glitched mag, that was immune to mines and turned black from the explosion effects from having cleared two whole CYs with it ^_^

One of the best nights I have ever had in a game ever, that thing was alive for like 3 fucking hours, vanguard drivers shit themselves as chased them through their own courtyard.

It was like that scene in Band of Brothers where the guy runs across the town and none of the Germans shoot him, their too stunned that someone would be that out of their mind to do something like that.

Re: Planetside Saturdays - On Hiatus - CaffeinePowered - 04-23-2009


Why I Should Have Been Banned - Part 5

Re: Planetside Saturdays - On Hiatus - at0m - 04-23-2009

(04-23-2009, 07:58 PM)Caffeine link Wrote: win

Why I Should Have Been Banned - Part 5
epic lulz

Re: Planetside Saturdays - On Hiatus - Squishy3 - 04-23-2009

That was fucking amazing

Re: Planetside Saturdays - On Hiatus - Versus - 04-24-2009


Re: Planetside Saturdays - On Hiatus - MajorAngry - 04-26-2009

I miss the picnics and hot dropping. It was worth it just for the hate tells.  ;D