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Re: HEY LOOK SCOUT UPDATE ON THE 24TH - Spore - 02-25-2009

(02-25-2009, 12:50 PM)ScottyGrayskull link Wrote: [quote author=Ianki link=topic=2359.msg68780#msg68780 date=1235580389]
mostly will be used for lucky grief by the hands of spore.


I have gotten pretty damn good at flare sniping already so...

Re: HEY LOOK SCOUT UPDATE ON THE 24TH - copulatingduck - 02-25-2009

(02-25-2009, 11:46 AM)Ianki link Wrote: [quote author=Shoopfox link=topic=2359.msg68774#msg68774 date=1235577952]

How is Bonk not a personal uber? You're 100% invincible. And when a bonk'd scout ran past my sentry it didn't seem like there was a whole lot of knockback. The only time I saw knockback was when I had 8 stickies under a bonk'd scout, and when I saw him launch into the ceiling I almost ragequit. I can't believe explosives get dodged too @_@

The bat is really annoying. I can't believe there's no wind-up, and you can move while doing it @_@

A) it takes two second to drink it where anyone can kill you, and i mean fast.  This isn't a heavy eating a sandvich with 250-300 health to fall back on.  you can't fire your gun, and it lasts for almost no time at all.  You wont be able to get out of danger with it, pick up intel with it, or cap points while still invincible.  After the slow down, the scout is a sitting duck from anything he was trying to get away from.

B) the rate of recharge for these balls is redick, and you can't choose when to use it since it just fires the ball when you fire the melee and are holding a ball, and it's hard enough to aim at a stationary target much less a moving one.  you can't spam it, and you can't double jump with it.  Again, more draw back then benifits, mostly will be used for lucky grief by the hands of spore.

You're not thinking outside the box, I can think of a few situations where Bonk and The Sandman would be useful. On push maps, when both teams are at a stalemate, most of the time what happens is both teams sort of tease at each other until one of them gets a pick. Think about Granary pushing 2 from 3 for the following examples

With the baseball (which is really not that hard to aim, I got a couple good airshots with it last night on rocket-jumping soldiers, l2predict Ianki), you don't even need the kill. All you have to do is nail one of the enemies from afar and have your team push up, it's basically a guaranteed kill when your team pushes.

With Bonk, same situation: while both teams are stalemated, a demoman usually has at least one path stickied down while his team watches the other entrance. Now you can just down a Bonk and run through the trap. Demo will either blow it prematurely, or panic when he sees an invincible scout charging him and his medic.

You just have to sit right on him or his medic waiting for uber to wear off, now two things happen: unless the entire team focuses fire on you, you have a good chance of 2-3 shotting either of those classes (or at the very least forcing the medic's uber which is a VERY BIG DEAL in games with only 1 or 2 medics), also, while the entire enemy is distracted with you the entirety of your team is now free to push through a chokepoint hassle-free. That's a huge deal.

While I most likely wouldn't go with any of the unlocks as solid replacements, Bonk imo may be useful enough to get some frequent use. The Sandmen though, simply because it removes double-jump, I'm just not too sure about.

edit: The ONLY situation where I think the new scattergun is useful is if you use Bonk to get right up on the enemy, as the rate of fire is so much higher you have a slightly better chance of 2-shotting the medic/demo during the crash. Other than that I don't see it being incredibly helpful (except maybe to get a "double-jump" if you really like the baseball lol)

Re: HEY LOOK SCOUT UPDATE ON THE 24TH - Versus - 02-25-2009

As of this post, this thread is the longest thread in the TF2 forum by almost 170 posts :o

Re: HEY LOOK SCOUT UPDATE ON THE 24TH - Vlambo - 02-25-2009

Scout dominating Audio clips are fucking epic

Re: HEY LOOK SCOUT UPDATE ON THE 24TH - copulatingduck - 02-25-2009

Re: HEY LOOK SCOUT UPDATE ON THE 24TH - chronomaster - 02-25-2009

Sandman seems like you have to get relatively close to a headshot for it to work. I've felt like there was a few times where I hit them but it bounced off harmlessly, probably because it was too low.

Re: HEY LOOK SCOUT UPDATE ON THE 24TH - Wedge - 02-25-2009


Also There Will Be Blood reference with sandwiches, lol.

Re: HEY LOOK SCOUT UPDATE ON THE 24TH - Radio Raheem - 02-25-2009

(02-25-2009, 11:28 AM)Vongore link Wrote: Everytime i try to shoot a Scout with Bonk i always miss and not because the bonk effect, because the Scout is on "defense" mode and pass through me jumping and running anyway. So unless the Scout drink the bonk right next to me, it's hard to aim anyway (the only situation i can figure is a corridor, and your oponent is a Heavy)

please tell me this is a fake post

Re: HEY LOOK SCOUT UPDATE ON THE 24TH - Maxon - 02-25-2009

So far I like the new shotgun.  Probably will keep it as my main weapon.  Haven't earned the other two yet.

Re: HEY LOOK SCOUT UPDATE ON THE 24TH - Chief - 02-25-2009



I think I can maybe see myself possibly using the baseball bat.

Re: HEY LOOK SCOUT UPDATE ON THE 24TH - Geoff - 02-25-2009

Has anyone thought of using the Bonk as like a human shield?  Like, an ubered heavy charges the last point on Dbowl, and a Bonked scout blocks his way?

Re: HEY LOOK SCOUT UPDATE ON THE 24TH - Master Shake - 02-25-2009

Going heavy tonight was a lot of fun. 

Re: HEY LOOK SCOUT UPDATE ON THE 24TH - chronomaster - 02-25-2009

So does anyone else think Natascha was broken on update?


Re: HEY LOOK SCOUT UPDATE ON THE 24TH - shoopfox - 02-25-2009

Natascha is broken. And it's still not fixed, even though they fixed Axstinguisher.

Re: HEY LOOK SCOUT UPDATE ON THE 24TH - copulatingduck - 02-25-2009

how's it broken?

Re: HEY LOOK SCOUT UPDATE ON THE 24TH - backfire - 02-25-2009

(02-25-2009, 10:36 PM)Shoopfox link Wrote: Natascha is broken. And it's still not fixed, even though they fixed Axstinguisher.

Wouldn't call it "fixed." I jumped down on a heavy, gave him a quick poof to catch him on fire, then pulled out my axetinguisher and started swinging.  Three connecting hits with it. None of them were crits. He looked up and shot my quick to be lifeless body across the field.  Later on too with a random demo on fire. I swong at him twice. Nothing.

Hell, I'd say they messed it up even more. At least 75% of my hits were crits before they updated.

Re: HEY LOOK SCOUT UPDATE ON THE 24TH - Radio Raheem - 02-25-2009

natasha is really strong now. if you cant aim as a heavy you should seriously consider playing a different genre of games

Re: HEY LOOK SCOUT UPDATE ON THE 24TH - KarthXLR - 02-26-2009

(02-25-2009, 11:34 PM)Radio Raheem link Wrote: natasha is really strong now. if you cant aim as a heavy you should seriously consider playing a different genre of games
you sir are an idiot.

Natasha has been broke ever since the scout update went online. There is NO slowdown anymore, but less damage.

Freakin valve. It's a bittersweet candy.

Re: HEY LOOK SCOUT UPDATE ON THE 24TH - Wedge - 02-26-2009

Yeah I'm pretty much not touching the game for a week or so, because Valve can't release a major update without breaking the fuck out of everything.