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Re: 10 Things You Don't Know About... BRB'U edition - KarthXLR - 02-04-2009

0. Like Hek, I also chipped my tooth. Except I did mine with a ski ball. At Peter Piper Pizza. When I was 5. Up to this date, you can hold an ice cube against that "tooth" and I won't feel anything.

-1. People think my sister is hot. Since they talk to me about this ALL THE TIME I'm a bit turned on disturbed.

-2. I'm not popular. At all. I was probably the fat kid you made fun of in 5th grade.

-3. I've had glasses since Third Grade. That long.

-4. I can't stand today's cartoons. Every single one is the exact same vulgar humor with some pee/fart joke at the end. It's garbage.

-5. I wanna be a chef, but am probably not going to because it doesn't pay well here. And I'm not sure if I'll be able to rack up enough money to move to a better location, especially if the economy doesn't improve.

-6. I seriously did not have a functioning Windows PC in my house until Christmas 2007. All mac baby.

-7. My favorite TV cartoon of all time is a split between Futurama and Megas XLR. (Name inspiration)

-8. "Where did Karth come from?" you ask? To be honest, I have absolutely no idea. I was actually thinking of a name for my nameless comic character (worst comics ever btw) and I thought, "Karth". So I wrote it down and it stuck for far longer than I thought it would.

-9. I've only been outside of this country once, when I was a kid. I bordered on Michigan and Canada for a couple minutes.

-10. I was at D.C. for the 4th of July in 2007. It was AWESOME.

Re: 10 Things You Don't Know About... BRB'U edition - Versus - 02-04-2009

Hmm...I'm interested in getting a multitool now. It would be pretty useful.

edit, since karth posted while I was in this:

pics plz

Re: 10 Things You Don't Know About... BRB'U edition - Squishy3 - 02-04-2009

Now that we're on the subject of teeth, here's what I thought was funny.

Both of my buck teeth got knocked out by the same thing at different times. A basketball.

Re: 10 Things You Don't Know About... BRB'U edition - HeK - 02-04-2009

Thanks Rummy,

I had to Google the Cybertool, it looks very handy. I have a pair of Quik-Bit screwdrivers at work, only I replaced all the bits in one with Torx.

Additionally I have far less denim then Dean Kamen. Far, far less.

Re: 10 Things You Don't Know About... BRB'U edition - A. Crow - 02-04-2009

(02-04-2009, 09:37 PM)HeK link Wrote: 4. Meh
I want to go back to university for electrical engineering, but I can't be bothered. It would only be for my own interest and wouldn't contribute to my career. I just want to have a better understanding of electronics, I can only go so far with Wikipedia and white-papers.

I share this ambition.  

And I also carry an old victorinox, I used it to saw off a couple tree limbs today.

Re: 10 Things You Don't Know About... BRB'U edition - Versus - 02-04-2009

While I was looking at the Cybertool...


Re: 10 Things You Don't Know About... BRB'U edition - fyre - 02-04-2009

(02-04-2009, 10:10 PM)Ye Salty Karth link Wrote: vulgar humor with some pee/fart joke at the end.

Fucking hate fart jokes. Sooooo gross. Although, I didn't mind the campfire scene in Blazing Saddles. The Jack Black fake trailer in Tropic Thunder was fucking nasty.

Re: 10 Things You Don't Know About... BRB'U edition - Versus - 02-04-2009

HAHAHA. <3 Tropic Thunder.

Re: 10 Things You Don't Know About... BRB'U edition - zaneyard - 02-05-2009

(02-04-2009, 10:34 PM)Versus-p- link Wrote: HAHAHA. <3 Tropic Thunder.
yeah me too

Re: 10 Things You Don't Know About... BRB'U edition - x - 02-05-2009

(02-04-2009, 10:14 PM)Versus-p- link Wrote: edit, since karth posted while I was in this:

pics plz

Needs more close-up and nudity.

(02-04-2009, 10:10 PM)Ye Salty Karth link Wrote: -2. I'm not popular. At all. I was probably the fat kid you made fun of in 5th grade.

I used to love making you cry.

Re: 10 Things You Don't Know About... BRB'U edition - Versus - 02-05-2009

Ah, right. Forgot about that. Judging from the picture, I'd agree.

Re: 10 Things You Don't Know About... BRB'U edition - CaffeinePowered - 02-05-2009

Oh...also forgot

0. I am an avid angler (aka master baiter) - I love fishing, and while I have not been out as much as I used to, I still have a few pretty good fish stories, I'll see if I can scan some photos over the weekend. I rarely keep anything I catch for trophies or food and release most everything back into the water. Someday I'd really like to get a replica made of the tarpon I caught.

- 7ft 120 lb Tarpon - Tampa Bay FL - I caught this monster on normal tackle, just 30 lb test line and a steel leader, no special chair to sit in, no unbreakable tackle or enormous rod & reel. Took well over an hour and the thing almost pulled me into the water several times.

- 36in. 20 lb Northern Pike - Deep Woods Ontario, CA - Went on one of those trips where you fly in to a little cabin on a lake, was a ton of fun, cept our boat almost sunk at one point when we got hung up on some rocks in 3 - 5ft waves. Caught using normal tackle with a jig while going after Walleyes. You know pike are around when the Walleye are biting, then all of the sudden stop.

- 25 lb Carp - Dells, Wisconsin - I was like 7 or 8 at the time and caught it with a poofy cheeto I hastily attached to a hook when I saw it in the water. Caught if off a dock and it was too heavy to lift out of the water, we had to wait for a boat with a net to come back to take the hook out, we stuck it on a stringer and would hold it up for the tour boats that kept passing by the dock, we later released it.

Re: 10 Things You Don't Know About... BRB'U edition - copulatingduck - 02-05-2009

10. Pacifism   
[img width=150][/img]

With very few exceptions, I tend to be very laid back. I wish more people would just let bygones be bygones, but I guess this is the internet, people love to start fights over nothing. I'm just one of those people that can let almost anything go.

9. Idolatry, Bigotry, and Hypocrisy
[Image: 1225473648194_World_Religion_t.gif]

I was born and raised a Roman Catholic in small-town Texas. I've been attending a predominantly technically-minded school in Boston for nearly 5 years. And for all the crap I have heard and seen atheists give Christians about being "closed-minded," in my experience it's always been the other way around. I try to keep my nose out of debates revolving around religion though, because in my experience, they never go anywhere (see living in small-town Texas and attending technical school in Boston). More than anything though, I feel sorry for anyone who feels so strongly on the subject that they would form a prejudice based upon it. A man should be valued based on his actions, not his words or beliefs.

8. Stop Whining
[img width=125][/img]

The second thing that makes me rage. When I play games, I do it to have fun and relax. I don't log on to listen to people whine and QQ about overpowered weapons, teamstacking, or the like. I think a lot of my recent posts probably illustrate my point rather well. If you get all butthurt about a video game, you can cry me a river for all I care.

7. Loyalty
[Image: beethoven_small.jpg]

I tend to be loyal to a fault. I've gotten myself into plenty of powder-kegs because I tend to feel strongly obligated to help my friends out, no matter their situation. I've wasted a lot of money and time in my life trying to help my friends out.

6. Chipped Tooth
[Image: toothless.jpg]

Like apparently several others here, I have a chipped tooth. Got mine from band practice in the 6th grade while playing trumpet. My best friend thought it would be funny to slap the bell of my horn while I was playing. Several dozen splintered tooth shards, as well as a few days, I thought it was pretty funny too.

5. Poverty
[Image: mothertheresa-722268.jpg]

For a long time, I've felt obligated to do something for those in poverty throughout the world. I've taken classes on third world poverty, as well as pursued engineering projects aimed at empowering impoverished people in Africa. Nothing is more depressing that working on said project and watching it fail. Despite not having a job, scholarship, or proper place to live right now, nor a means to pay for school, I still donate regularly to Save The Children. I'm also taking a course specifically geared towards product design for developing countries. I only wish I could do for the poor as Mother Theresa (pictured) or Bill Gates have.

4. Engineering
[Image: galloping_gertie_500px.jpg]

Despite attending what is supposed to be a pretty good school for engineering, I never had a strong desire to study it. In high school my aim was to study music, but a combined lack of talent, proficiency in math, promise of a good salary, as well as several encouraging teachers convinced me to research engineering as a possible field of study. In spring semester of my junior year, I read about MIT and it sounded like a good school, so I applied. I regularly tell myself I would have been happier going to school anywhere else (the stress and workload are unbelievable) but hopefully I'll have some very good opportunities open up for me once I graduate.

3. TV and Movies
[Image: howardduck5.jpg]

While I appreciate good, classy movies, I'm a sucker for the really bad ones, especially ones predating the turn of the millenium. Also, cartoons. Pretty much any cartoon is a winner in my book. is currently my favorite website, right behind BONUS: I watched The Price is Right everyday for 10 years (I would record it whenever I had school and watch it when I got home). And while I love Drew Carrey, he is not Bob Barker.

2. Competition
[Image: heartbreak.jpg]

Despite what everyone seems to think of me these days, I don't think I'm much more competitive, on average, than anyone else here. Whenever I play on the brb servers with BNGD in tow, I usually try to play my worst classes unless my team is just doing horrible. If we are there, we're usually dicking around and laughing our asses off in vent about sniping heavies or W+M1 Pyros. But people are crybabies, so I rarely stick around for more than a map or two now-a-days.

1. Obsession
[Image: rare-Pokemon-cards.jpg]

I have an incredibly obsessive personality. Whenever I pick a hobby up, I either drop it within a week or obsess over it until I find something new to do. Over my 2 week break at home for Xmas, I managed to read 15 books. I also spent god knows how much money on Pokemon cards back in the day. My current obsession is (pretty obviously) TF2.

Re: 10 Things You Don't Know About... BRB'U edition - Trace - 02-05-2009

Duck you're my hero  :-*

Re: 10 Things You Don't Know About... BRB'U edition - Ianki - 02-05-2009

(02-05-2009, 03:43 PM)CopulatingDuck link Wrote: 5. Poverty
[Image: mothertheresa-722268.jpg]

For a long time, I've felt obligated to do something for those in poverty throughout the world. I've taken classes on third world poverty, as well as pursued engineering projects aimed at empowering impoverished people in Africa. Nothing is more depressing that working on said project and watching it fail. Despite not having a job, scholarship, or proper place to live right now, nor a means to pay for school, I still donate regularly to Save The Children. I'm also taking a course specifically geared towards product design for developing countries.

I think my rent check is going to bounce

Re: 10 Things You Don't Know About... BRB'U edition - Versus - 02-05-2009

(02-05-2009, 03:48 PM)Trace link Wrote: Duck you're my hero  :-*

Re: 10 Things You Don't Know About... BRB'U edition - Geoff - 02-05-2009

(02-05-2009, 03:43 PM)CopulatingDuck link Wrote: 10. Pacifism   
[img width=150][/img]

With very few exceptions, I tend to be very laid back. I wish more people would just let bygones be bygones, but I guess this is the internet, people love to start fights over nothing. I'm just one of those people that can let almost anything go.


Me too.

Sometimes I wish I wouldn't let bygones be bygones, because sometimes, something bad will happen.  Like people steal shit or punch me in the gut, I get over it.

Re: 10 Things You Don't Know About... BRB'U edition - jorge - 02-05-2009

10. I am a racist. I hate all, but not limited to, any combination of the following, possibly in ascending order: jews, niggers, spics, sandniggers, crackers, gooks, chinks, greaseballs, nips, pakis, gypsies, Mormons, and gays. The world would be a better place without them scum.

9. I am a vile, bitter Chinaman. The lack of railroad building demand has left me jobless.

8. Music is probably my favorite thing. I would pursue a career in the field if I didn't feel that I would still need a dayjob. Also I run a blog.

7. I like sports. The success of the Lakers, who I have been watching since I've been literate, factors into my emotional state far more than it should.

6. One of my earlobes is detached, but the other is half-attached before being free.

5. Donkey Kong Country 3 was the first console game I/my dad bought. DK rapes

4. I used to go to Toys R Us every Saturday for Pokemon League and have tons of badass promos to show for it. Those were fun times.

3. I am a devout pastafarian.

2. I would have a hella leet STEAMID if I hadn't still been on 56k when Steam launched.

1. I haven't beaten HL1.  :o (waiting for Black Mesa)

0. I wish I were as good at Scrabble as Shaq.

Re: 10 Things You Don't Know About... BRB'U edition - Geoff - 02-05-2009

(02-05-2009, 07:28 PM)jörge link Wrote: 0. I wish I were as good at Scrabble as Shaq.

Where did you get all those Q's? 

Don't worry about it.

Re: 10 Things You Don't Know About... BRB'U edition - rumsfald - 02-05-2009

(02-05-2009, 07:28 PM)jörge link Wrote: 2. I would have a hella leet STEAMID if I hadn't still been on 56k when Steam launched.

1. I haven't beaten HL1.  :o (waiting for Black Mesa)
