Be Right Back, Uninstalling
Intrested in a thousand dollar door stopper? - Printable Version

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Intrested in a thousand dollar door stopper? - DragonEkarus - 12-26-2009

So, finally managed to move. Got everything put together, started up my PC (Acer Asiper AM5100) and the fan on the graphics card (ATI RADEON HD 4870)  was growling at me. After a bit of fiddling and cleaning it out it stopped. Half an hour later it started again and the whole thing crapped out on me. Tried to boot it and nothing happened.

Thinking it was the graphics card I removed it, the PC still didn't boot. Then I switched back to the old PSD (New PSD: BFG 550 Watt, old Whatever came with the PC) and it started making a loud beep noise, similar to that of the alarm you hear in Sci-Fi movies and games before shit starts exploding...

Anyone know what to do?

Re: Intrested in a thousand dollar door stopper? - CaffeinePowered - 12-26-2009

The beeping should be a code to what is wrong

Re: Intrested in a thousand dollar door stopper? - DragonEkarus - 12-26-2009

Thanks to the combine help of Tracedarkwind and Caffeine my good PC is now running smoothly (well, as stable as it was before I smashed my fist into the top of it...)

So, the here's the truth:

My computer was making a loud noise, and after exhausting the techy approach, and the Gentle approach I smashed the case and the screen went blank.. fans stopped... generally bad stuff.

Here's the bad news, the Team Fortress 2 Soldier Demo update caused some problems that result in my computer (among others) blue screening, so I can't play TF2 till that's fixed.