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Planetside Saturday - 2/6 - Actually going to hype this one - Printable Version

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Planetside Saturday - 2/6 - Actually going to hype this one - CaffeinePowered - 02-03-2010

So....last week was kind of a bust since I failed to promote it or make a post, but never the less LAG, Atom, Wangmauler, and I had a good time running magriders during a good armor battle on Forseral.

With things like MAG and Global Agenda in the pipeline, those of you drooling over those need to man-the-fuck-up and try the grand-daddy that inspired those games (In before HeK corrects me with talk of Tribes 1). If often surprises me reading articles on those games how few people have ever even heard of planetside, so I'll blame that on SOE's lack of a marketing department for anything other than Everquest and Free Realms.

They are actually working on a sequel to planetside, Planetside Next, very few details have been released apart from "its coming". For now though, planetside is free to play, and thankfully you really don't need a high level character to have fun, at all. You can kill stuff just as easily with a fresh character as you can an old one, you just have to aim better.

How to see a bigger crowd come out this Saturday  8)

------Copy Pasta------

Time: 7pm cst (or earlier)

Ventrilo is mandatory
Port: 3864
Pass: n/a

If you make a character please post their in game name here

Fun in this game increases exponentially with the more people that join up so I hope to see more of the people that stated they were interested in the initial thread to come out, the game is FREE, but you are restricted to 14 days after which you will have to start all over again. If you get "suspended" or banned since the trial accounts are loopholes just make another one. Conversely you can spend $20 to pick up the game at direct2drive, which comes with a free month, this allows you to keep your character instead of having to re-level someone every 2 weeks.

(If this site is not working let me know, it was down for maintenance last Sunday)

Use this to install the game

Alternatively this

The first link will install only PS, the other is SOE's general launcher which you then have to select to install PS, both require an account with SOE's Station

If the old school launcher is not working, set launchpad.exe to run in compatability mode for win95. Alternately you can use the SOE Beta LaunchPad, either work.

Remember, the trials sometimes will RANDOMLY suspended you, just a heads up.

If you have issues running the game, make sure launchpad.exe and planetside.exe are both being run in Win95 Compatibility mode

Re: Planetside Saturday - 2/6 - Actually going to hype this one - If-I-Die-Its-Lag - 02-03-2010

I might come.

Re: Planetside Saturday - 2/6 - Actually going to hype this one - Versus - 02-03-2010

Coming. 8)

Re: Planetside Saturday - 2/6 - Actually going to hype this one - Eschatos - 02-03-2010

(02-03-2010, 03:02 PM)Versus-pwny- link Wrote: Coming. 8)

Re: Planetside Saturday - 2/6 - Actually going to hype this one - rumsfald - 02-03-2010

Lend me a hand and I might come.

Re: Planetside Saturday - 2/6 - Actually going to hype this one - Versus - 02-03-2010

(02-03-2010, 08:32 PM)rumsfald link Wrote: Lend me a hand and I might come.

I just did.

Re: Planetside Saturday - 2/6 - Actually going to hype this one - at0m - 02-06-2010

(02-03-2010, 08:32 PM)rumsfald link Wrote: Lend me a hand and I might come.
How so?

Re: Planetside Saturday - 2/6 - Actually going to hype this one - rumsfald - 02-06-2010

(02-06-2010, 11:19 AM)at0m link Wrote: [quote author=rumsfald link=topic=4165.msg135312#msg135312 date=1265247176]
Lend me a hand and I might come.
How so?

And here I thought all of Caff's ho's knew how to give a handie.

Re: Planetside Saturday - 2/6 - Actually going to hype this one - at0m - 02-06-2010

(02-06-2010, 11:25 AM)rumsfald link Wrote: [quote author=at0m link=topic=4165.msg135748#msg135748 date=1265473163]
[quote author=rumsfald link=topic=4165.msg135312#msg135312 date=1265247176]
Lend me a hand and I might come.
How so?

And here I thought all of Caff's ho's knew how to give a handie.
[/quote]not long-distance. If I knew how to do that, I'd also know how to stab people in the face over the internet, and that would make me a millionaire.

Re: Planetside Saturday - 2/6 - Actually going to hype this one - Greatbacon - 02-06-2010

(02-06-2010, 11:34 AM)at0m link Wrote: [quote author=rumsfald link=topic=4165.msg135749#msg135749 date=1265473544]
[quote author=at0m link=topic=4165.msg135748#msg135748 date=1265473163]
[quote author=rumsfald link=topic=4165.msg135312#msg135312 date=1265247176]
Lend me a hand and I might come.
How so?

And here I thought all of Caff's ho's knew how to give a handie.
[/quote]not long-distance. If I knew how to do that, I'd also know how to stab people in the face over the internet, and that would make me a millionaire.
[/quote]I'd buy three.  Also, may or may not be able to make it, I'm not sure.

Re: Planetside Saturday - 2/6 - Actually going to hype this one - Eightball - 02-06-2010

I'll try to be there. If my friends decide to drop by though I might not be able to.

Re: Planetside Saturday - 2/6 - Actually going to hype this one - wangmauler - 02-06-2010

I replied to the old post for last month, didn't look here first lol. Anyways, I'm coming, but not until later tonight - got dinner with he rents then fun-time with the GF. w00t!

Re: Planetside Saturday - 2/6 - Actually going to hype this one - wangmauler - 02-07-2010

sorry I wasn't able to make it last night guys, I really wanted to but things went way later than expected for dinner at my rents house, I actually tried to get out there earlier, but didn't end up getting home until about 2am! lol! by that Time no one (obviously) was on vent. Anyways, I'd be up for next Saturday if anyones interested?