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What games are you looking forward to 2012? - Printable Version

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What games are you looking forward to 2012? - MrRickrambo - 01-14-2012

For me the more obvious games of 2012 are:

Diablo 3
Guild Wars 2

Two games I hope they port to PC-  Dark Souls and Fez.....if not maybe a friend will get a console copy, either way both look really fun.

Re: What games are you looking forward to 2012? - chronomaster - 01-14-2012

The Wonderful End of the World.

oh im so clever

Also if I recall, Fez will get a PC version at some point. That, or Polytron is moronic.

Re: What games are you looking forward to 2012? - Maxon - 01-14-2012

For PC, there's Guild Wars 2, STALKER 2 if it's actually out this year, and Far Cry 3.

Re: What games are you looking forward to 2012? - at0m - 01-14-2012

Planetside 2 (whenever)
Natural Selection 2 (also whenever)

Re: What games are you looking forward to 2012? - ThunderStain - 01-15-2012

Torchlight 2 (I dont have high expectations for D3)
The new starcraft xpac
New counterstrike
Ninja Gaiden 3

Re: What games are you looking forward to 2012? - chronomaster - 01-15-2012

The Last Guardian.

Breaking the sequelitis here.

Re: What games are you looking forward to 2012? - Squishy3 - 01-15-2012

(01-15-2012, 09:39 PM)Chronomaster link Wrote: The Last Guardian.

Breaking the sequelitis here.
Except that's still a sequel, in a way.

Re: What games are you looking forward to 2012? - chronomaster - 01-15-2012

(01-15-2012, 09:43 PM)Squishy link Wrote: [quote author=Chronomaster link=topic=6188.msg236730#msg236730 date=1326681581]
The Last Guardian.

Breaking the sequelitis here.
Except that's still a sequel, in a way.
[/quote]We don't know if it is yet because the game is not out.

Re: What games are you looking forward to 2012? - Vongore - 01-15-2012

I'm surprised i'm not looking forward for any game this year. The possible candidates aren't showing off too much,

Diablo III: I don't know what to think of this, if it's Diablo III with better stuff i'll think it twice before moving. I had a Diablo II overdose a couple years ago and haven't been able to recover from that. If Diablo III is Diablo II on steroids i'll pass

Halo 4: Eeeeeh... not hyped enough

Street Fighter x Tekken :  Terrible idea crossed up with a game i never liked (though i gave T3 a chance back on the PSX era). Gems are breaking a game that already looked bad.

Actually, the game i'm looking forward the most is the Biding of Isaac expansion and Pokémon x Nobunaga´s Ambition (if it comes here) along with Rhythm Heaven Wii

Re: What games are you looking forward to 2012? - Spore - 01-15-2012

Go here if you don't know what's coming out in 2012.

Re: What games are you looking forward to 2012? - Dtrain323i - 01-16-2012

Planetside 2

Mass Erect 3

Call of Shooterguy 11

Re: What games are you looking forward to 2012? - Versus - 01-16-2012

(01-16-2012, 12:13 AM)Dtrain323i link Wrote: Planetside 2

Mass Erect 3

Call of Shooterguy 11

Re: What games are you looking forward to 2012? - chronomaster - 01-16-2012

Elevator: Source for GOTY 2012.

Re: What games are you looking forward to 2012? - CaffeinePowered - 01-16-2012

Planetside 2 (?)
Prof Layton vs Phoenix Wright (?)
Black Mesa Source (?)

Re: What games are you looking forward to 2012? - Eschatos - 01-16-2012

Dota 2

Re: What games are you looking forward to 2012? - backfire - 01-16-2012

Borderlands 2
Bioshock Infinite
Fortune Summoners
Guild Wars 2
And maybe Firefall if it doesn't end up sucking.

Re: What games are you looking forward to 2012? - Gentz Weizer - 01-16-2012

Bioshock Infinite (most likely on the PS3)
Alan Wake
Amy (Most likely on the PS3)

Would have gone for Starcraft II: HotS but it's only one third of the game, just like how the marine-centric part that came out a while back was. Just 1/3 of the full game...

Re: What games are you looking forward to 2012? - Maxon - 01-16-2012

(01-16-2012, 02:51 PM)Gentz Weizer link Wrote: Amy (Most likely on the PS3)

I wouldn't hold out hope for Amy as it's apparently utter crap.

If we are including non-PC games, for consoles, there is Retro City Rampage, The Last of Us, Metro: Last Light (PC), Darksiders 2, and maybe Borderlands 2 if it gets a better PC version.  Also kinda interested in Mass Effect 3, Never Dead, and Lollipop Chainsaw, but those last two will most likely be rentals after playing the similar title Shadow of the Damned last year.  Solid game, but it's not worth 60 bucks for a game that I can beat in less than 10 hours and has almost zero replay value.

Re: What games are you looking forward to 2012? - Black Aspen - 01-16-2012


and Diablo III

Re: What games are you looking forward to 2012? - Gentz Weizer - 01-16-2012

(01-16-2012, 03:51 PM)Maxon link Wrote: [quote author=Gentz Weizer link=topic=6188.msg236798#msg236798 date=1326743481]
Amy (Most likely on the PS3)

I wouldn't hold out hope for Amy as it's apparently utter crap.[/quote]

I've heard about it being garbage but I'd rather get other opinions rather than metacritc as I trust them just as much as I trust a crack-head with a brand new car.

Not at all.