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Mature Mondays Game Vote List (February 25th, 2013) - Printable Version

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Mature Mondays Game Vote List (February 25th, 2013) - FlyingMongoose - 02-18-2013

[align=center]This Week's Winner

Left 4 Dead 1/2

Left 4 Dead 1 Servers

Left 4 Dead 2 Servers

BRBUninstalling Steam Group associated

Start Time: 8:00 PM Central
Voice Chat: Mumble, Mature Mondays Channel

[size=15px]Left 4 Dead and/or Left 4 Dead 2
Left 4 Dead 1/2 Special Note: The servers are all associated with the brb, uninstalling Steam Group, that being the case, you will be able to see this under the community servers for brb uninstalling. You can also search manually for them using the key phrase "brbu"

Week 8, we have 56 games to vote for. A total number of 28 votes.

As before, event voice chat will be provided via Mumble in the Mature Mondays channel. In the event the mumble server fails, I have a Teamspeak to fall back onto.

In the event of a tie, GameSurge's Diceroll from Chanserv will be used.

If I am not available to MC, anyone is welcome to volunteer. whomever volunteers I will give the rcon password for the server to.

If you feel a mod or game is missing please visit this thread and it will be added to the list, as well as the next weeks vote.

Re: Mature Mondays Game Vote List (February 25th, 2013) - FlyingMongoose - 02-20-2013

Vote! You Fools!

Re: Mature Mondays Game Vote List (February 25th, 2013) - FlyingMongoose - 02-22-2013

Currently tied for first, left 4 dead, synergy,  garry's mod (vanilla).... vote you bastards!

Re: Mature Mondays Game Vote List (February 25th, 2013) - FlyingMongoose - 02-22-2013

Garry's mod (Vanilla) is winning at 4 votes... keep the votes coming ladies!

Re: Mature Mondays Game Vote List (February 25th, 2013) - FlyingMongoose - 02-24-2013

There is five and a half hours to go until I lock down this vote, Garry's Mod (Vanilla) is still winning.

Re: Mature Mondays Game Vote List (February 25th, 2013) - FlyingMongoose - 02-24-2013

It looks like we have a tie between Left 4 Dead 1/2 and Garry's Mod (vanilla) by the vote end today! (4 to 4). I will be running a Diceroll via our IRC channel to determine the tie breaker.

Re: Mature Mondays Game Vote List (February 25th, 2013) - FlyingMongoose - 02-24-2013

Quote:[13:09] <@ChanServ> FlyingMongoose: A 1 shows on the 2-sided die.
[13:09] <+FlyingMongoose> !d 1d2
[13:09] <@ChanServ> FlyingMongoose: A 1 shows on the 2-sided die.
[13:10] <+FlyingMongoose> !1d2
[13:10] <+FlyingMongoose> !d 1d2
[13:10] <@ChanServ> FlyingMongoose: A 1 shows on the 2-sided die.
[13:10] <+FlyingMongoose> Looks like left 4 dead wins
[13:10] <VeraLapsa> it's a loaded die
[13:10] <+FlyingMongoose> lol
[13:10] <+FlyingMongoose> !d 1d2
[13:10] <@ChanServ> FlyingMongoose: A 1 shows on the 2-sided die.
[13:10] <+FlyingMongoose> !d 1d2
[13:10] <@ChanServ> FlyingMongoose: A 1 shows on the 2-sided die.
[13:10] <+FlyingMongoose> !d 1d2
[13:10] <@ChanServ> FlyingMongoose: A 1 shows on the 2-sided die.
[13:10] <+FlyingMongoose> !d 1d2
[13:10] <@ChanServ> FlyingMongoose: A 1 shows on the 2-sided die.
[13:10] -SpamServ- Please do not repeat yourself by sending the same message again.
[13:10] <VeraLapsa> XD
[13:10] <+FlyingMongoose> ...seriously WTF? you run it
[13:10] <VeraLapsa> !d 1d2
[13:10] <@ChanServ> VeraLapsa: A 1 shows on the 2-sided die.
[13:10] <VeraLapsa> !d 1d2
[13:10] <@ChanServ> VeraLapsa: A 2 shows on the 2-sided die.
[13:11] <VeraLapsa> :3
[13:11] <+FlyingMongoose> alright... so... it works properly
[13:11] <+FlyingMongoose> well, left 4 dead is the mature monday winner...

It was strange... but as you can see vera can confirm (as can coppanuva).

This weeks winner is Left 4 Dead, information will be in the first post of the thread.