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how do you veiw screanshots - Printable Version

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how do you veiw screanshots - mechaolive - 09-20-2008

how do you view screenshots? when i try it says that i need to be opened with something, but i don't know what to open it with so please help me.

Re: how do you veiw screanshots - Fail Medic - 09-20-2008

They are .tga (Targa) files, aren't they?  Two recommendations.

1.  Download The GIMP.  Someone else will probably suggest something else / easier, but I know The GIMP can openTargas.

2.  Bring up the console in TF2 and type this:  [tt]bind F5 "jpeg"[/tt]
You see, F5 is bound to the command [tt]screenshot[/tt] and that saves Targa files, which are large and slightly difficult to open as you've discovered.  If you re-bind F5 to the command [tt]jpeg[/tt], your screenshots are saved as jpegs.   Far smaller and easier to fool with than .TGAs.

There's a quality command, [tt]jpeg_quality[/tt], that you can fool with.  100 is best image quality but largest file size.  Lower number than that is smaller file size but more compression (less quality).

Re: how do you veiw screanshots - copulatingduck - 09-20-2008

Hey mechaolive, you need to convert your tf2 screenshots from tga's to another file format. Personally, I use Irfanview to batch convert my screenshots, but if oyu jut want to view/convert a few at a time, you can probably get away with using [url=]The Unofficial TF2 Stats Parser. If you're having trouble figuring out the software, lemme know and I'll see if I can help.

Re: how do you veiw screanshots - Fail Medic - 09-20-2008

(09-20-2008, 11:26 PM)CopulatingFuuuuuck link Wrote: The Unofficial TF2 Stats Parser.

That looks pretty neat... I'm gonna play with that.

Re: how do you veiw screanshots - mechaolive - 09-20-2008

thanks guys ;D

Re: how do you veiw screanshots - Wedge - 09-21-2008

Y'know, I'm pretty sure you can make it take screenshots in something other than .tga to start with...

Re: how do you veiw screanshots - Neonie - 09-21-2008

"print Screen" then MS paint then "paste"

Re: how do you veiw screanshots - HeK - 09-21-2008

(09-21-2008, 02:22 AM)Wedge link Wrote: Y'know, I'm pretty sure you can make it take screenshots in something other than .tga to start with...

(09-20-2008, 11:25 PM)Fail Medic link Wrote: Bring up the console in TF2 and type this:  [tt]bind F5 "jpeg"[/tt]
If you re-bind F5 to the command [tt]jpeg[/tt], your screenshots are saved as jpegs.  Far smaller and easier to fool with than .TGAs.

Re: how do you veiw screanshots - WTF Joel - 09-21-2008

(09-21-2008, 08:04 AM)Neonie link Wrote: "print Screen" then MS paint then "paste"

Wow o.o....

Re: how do you veiw screanshots - Fail Medic - 09-21-2008

(09-21-2008, 10:42 AM)Metal Lemur Solid link Wrote: [quote author=Neonie link=topic=1451.msg40287#msg40287 date=1222002283]
"print Screen" then MS paint then "paste"

Wow o.o....

Well, it's not optimal... but, it *is* an alternative. 

Re: how do you veiw screanshots - CaffeinePowered - 09-21-2008

(09-21-2008, 08:27 AM)HeK link Wrote: [quote author=Wedge link=topic=1451.msg40266#msg40266 date=1221981764]
Y'know, I'm pretty sure you can make it take screenshots in something other than .tga to start with...

(09-20-2008, 11:25 PM)Fail Medic link Wrote: Bring up the console in TF2 and type this:  [tt]bind F5 "jpeg"[/tt]
If you re-bind F5 to the command [tt]jpeg[/tt], your screenshots are saved as jpegs.   Far smaller and easier to fool with than .TGAs.

Much lower quality though, if you dont mind converting the files taking targas will produce better screenshots

Re: how do you veiw screanshots - ainmosni - 09-21-2008

The subject of this thread hurts my eyes... I hope it was in jest and not the most ugly spelling error I've seen in a while...

Re: how do you view screenshots - Eschatos - 09-21-2008

Note to mechaolive:

Please improve your spelling.

For 5 seconds more you could have been fine.

Re: how do you view screenshots - mechaolive - 09-22-2008

(09-21-2008, 05:06 PM)Eschatos link Wrote: Note to mechaolive:

Please improve your spelling.

For 5 seconds more you could have been fine.
i didn't realize that untill you told me thanks

Re: how do you veiw screanshots - HeK - 09-23-2008

You still have a glaring error, "veiw" vs "view".
"I" before "e", except after "c" is the best rule in this case.

Additionally, check out Firefox ( ) as it has a built in spell-checker.
It saves my ass on a regular basis.

Re: how do you veiw screanshots - Benito Mussolini - 09-23-2008

(09-23-2008, 06:40 AM)HeK link Wrote: You still have a glaring error, "veiw" vs "view".
"I" before "e", except after "c" is the best rule in this case.

Additionally, check out Firefox ( ) as it has a built in spell-checker.
It saves my ass on a regular basis.

Firefox in french ftw!
I don't have an english corrector... and I don't need it ^^!

Also, I don't even see how he could've thought of screanshot...

Re: how do you veiw screanshots - ainmosni - 09-28-2008

(09-23-2008, 06:40 AM)HeK link Wrote: "I" before "e", except after "c" is the best rule in this case.

Then explain "weird"... Wink <3

Re: how do you veiw screanshots - Fail Medic - 09-28-2008

(09-28-2008, 05:13 AM)ainmosni link Wrote: [quote author=HeK link=topic=1451.msg40725#msg40725 date=1222170051]
"I" before "e", except after "c" is the best rule in this case.

Then explain "weird"... Wink <3

Please review this instructional video.