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Rotation Shake Up? - Printable Version

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Rotation Shake Up? - CaffeinePowered - 05-27-2008

I talked with Kor a bit and he didn't seem to keen on it but I wanted to run it by the community none-the-less. Should we keep the rotation static for long periods of time or should we every now and then put something on and take something off?

Also, should any of the pl maps played tonight be put onto rtv or rotation?

Current Rotation:

Candidates For Addition (IMO):
pl_heights or pl_goldrush

Question Marks:

We could just add something, remove something, add and remove, or do nothing. Just curious what people might like to see.

Re: Rotation Shake Up? - Wedge - 05-28-2008

I wouldn't mind seeing aqua in there.

Re: Rotation Shake Up? - A. Crow - 05-28-2008

aqua for sure.

Re: Rotation Shake Up? - ZoSo - 05-28-2008

why aren't we playing 2Fort?  2Fort fills the server all the time and it is a fun map.

Re: Rotation Shake Up? - Ceceil Felias - 05-28-2008

No love for Convoy? D:

Re: Rotation Shake Up? - Budr - 05-28-2008

(05-28-2008, 01:43 AM)ZoSo link Wrote: why aren't we playing 2Fort?  2Fort fills the server all the time and it is a fun map.

Finally, a kindred spirit.

Isn't Aqua a massive download? I can see lots of non-regs not bothering to wait around for it to load.

Please do not add Moonwalk, it's such a novelty map.

Re: Rotation Shake Up? - Vandamguy - 05-28-2008

(05-28-2008, 01:43 AM)ZoSo link Wrote: why aren't we playing 2Fort?  2Fort fills the server all the time and it is a fun map.

cause 2 fort is fucking old after playing it for ten years.

aqua is retarded.
good map, but the first 3 points are so easy to cap and then the last one is impossible.
might as well just have one CP and save us the time of capping the first three

stag i like.

where's CP_roswell

Re: Rotation Shake Up? - Vandamguy - 05-28-2008

i voted yes to change it , and leave it , at the same time.

one sided poll Tongue

Re: Rotation Shake Up? - ScottyGrayskull - 05-28-2008

(05-27-2008, 11:54 PM)CaffeinePowered link Wrote: cp_badlands

I'd say get rid of those, and put 2fort back in. I really don't get why people shit on 2fort for being so old when maps like Warpath are still regularly played. Plus badlands and turbine blow. Tongue

Of the candidates I'd say Aqua.

Re: Rotation Shake Up? - Eschatos - 05-28-2008

Needs moar 2Fort

Re: Rotation Shake Up? - Mission Difficult - 05-28-2008

I would love to see aqua on rotation, but as long as it's votable I'm happy. - don't think the rotation is too bad right now. I'd like to see one of the dbowl pl maps votable, probably heights. All in all what's on the rotation doesn't matter too much to me as long as we have rtv.

Re: Rotation Shake Up? - Surf314 - 05-28-2008

I like the rotation, just make all these things votable.  I worry about too many customs when its pub time.

Re: Rotation Shake Up? - Budr - 05-28-2008

(05-28-2008, 08:40 AM)Surf314 link Wrote: just make all these things votable.  I worry about too many customs when its pub time.

Man speaks truth

Re: Rotation Shake Up? - CaffeinePowered - 05-28-2008

(05-28-2008, 01:43 AM)ZoSo link Wrote: why aren't we playing 2Fort?  2Fort fills the server all the time and it is a fun map.

Because 2fort is old and attracts scrubs

Quote:where's CP_roswell

We rtd'd to it a few times and no one joined and no one downloaded it unfortunately. Its a more rare map when it comes to customs but its a shame, I really like it.

I could see replacing badlands with 2fort or hydro with 2fort.

Quote:Isn't Aqua a massive download? I can see lots of non-regs not bothering to wait around for it to load.

Please do not add Moonwalk, it's such a novelty map.

Aqua is actually slightly above average, about 32 megs, Science2 is 34, Castle4 is 42, Studio and Moonwalk are the largest customs at about 54. Average for customs is about 28 megs. Ive found that when you tell people before the map download that its 'bioshock for TF2' they are much more apt to stick around Wink

Quote:aqua is retarded.
good map, but the first 3 points are so easy to cap and then the last one is impossible.
might as well just have one CP and save us the time of capping the first three

I know that despite the balance problems with cap 4, people really seem to like it more so than science2 or a few other maps on rotation and Ive been seeing it pop up a lot on the vote.

Quote:I like the rotation, just make all these things votable.  I worry about too many customs when its pub time.

You should never 'worry' about a custom, but for the most part the people we've built up as regulars expect customs and for the most part download them. Its all in the type of crowd you have, if server #2 builds a crowd that mostly Dbowl/Grush only people, ya a custom would kill the server quickly. But we have people that enjoy customs.

Re: Rotation Shake Up? - Versus - 05-28-2008

turbine, science = gtfo
2fort = meh

add pl_dustbowl.

Re: Rotation Shake Up? - [fr31ns]Karrde - 05-28-2008

Don't cut badlands out.  Great map.  Broma borks the server vars I think.  If we had to add one, I'd say stag.  Otherwise, leave it alone.

Re: Rotation Shake Up? - copulatingduck - 05-28-2008

(05-28-2008, 09:15 AM)Versus link Wrote: turbine, science = gtfo
2fort = meh

add pl_dustbowl.


Also, Aqua is much better than Science IMO. Never played Roswell unfortunately, and I find Stag to be meh.

edit: Badlands is nice with teams full of people who know what they are doing. It just takes people with situational awareness to keep it from being the steamroll that it normally is.

moar edits: yah, put one of the pl_dustbowl maps up there for RTV. I forget which one I liked more, someone will figure it out.

Re: Rotation Shake Up? - CaffeinePowered - 05-28-2008

Id actually pick heights over dustbowl for PL versions, heights actually made the first two points capable, with pl_dustbowl we had to STOP PLAYING to get past the first fucking cap

Re: Rotation Shake Up? - ZoSo - 05-28-2008

since when does the age of a map determine if we play it?

2Fort is a fun map and it is dumb to not play it

Re: Rotation Shake Up? - Surf314 - 05-28-2008

(05-28-2008, 12:27 PM)ZoSo link Wrote: since when does the age of a map determine if we play it?

2Fort is a fun map and it is dumb to not play it

You just like it cuz you're a sniper, and the map should be called sniperfort  Tongue