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TF Tuesdays - 1/12 - Printable Version

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TF Tuesdays - 1/12 - CaffeinePowered - 01-11-2010

dom_gripped_a3 - Revised based on the playtest

ctf_alaska - damn its cold outside

koth_basalt_b1 - I got nothin

ctf_desind - football push style, one flag, I fully expect a heavy to make the capture wearing the football helmet

plr_deadrun_a6 - looks pretty good, overall map shaped like a T

Time: 8pm CST
Server: Red Ver (#1)
Password: littlecart

Hope to see you all there, because in addition to these maps the recommendation I got out of TF2Maps when I reposted norad was to try a test due to the recent AMD bug fixes, so I will be uploading a version to download. Due to the nature of the bug you will not be able to predownload this map.

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Re: TF Tuesdays - 1/12 - Kirby - 01-11-2010

Whatever that AMD fix was totally killed my configs, it erased my config and autoexec.

boot.ini flashbacks for any EVE players? ^.^

Also, wasn't the norad bug you couldn't download it in-game or it would crash you originally?  and which version is this one going to be?

Re: TF Tuesdays - 1/12 - CaffeinePowered - 01-11-2010

(01-11-2010, 04:12 PM)Kirby, the Axe Zealot link Wrote: Also, wasn't the norad bug you couldn't download it in-game or it would crash you originally?  and which version is this one going to be?

You just can't download it in game, its a version with the crash bug, it was just the suggestion I got from the other mappers with that AMD fix to try to run a test again.

Re: TF Tuesdays - 1/12 - Neptune - 01-11-2010

With dom_gripped, what exactly did he change?  I can only hope the map was made more open to avoid having the flag carrier hide the whole time.

Re: TF Tuesdays - 1/12 - CaffeinePowered - 01-11-2010

(01-11-2010, 06:57 PM)Neptune link Wrote: With dom_gripped, what exactly did he change?  I can only hope the map was made more open to avoid having the flag carrier hide the whole time.

He removed the buildings around the control points completely so they are open and changed some other things as well

Re: TF Tuesdays - 1/12 - Duck, Duck, Goose - 01-12-2010

I shall be in attendance.

Re: TF Tuesdays - 1/12 - K2 - 01-12-2010

I probably won't be there because my campus network is being a dickbutt.

Re: TF Tuesdays - 1/12 - Kirby - 01-12-2010

(01-12-2010, 07:34 PM)K2 link Wrote: I probably won't be there because my campus network is being a dickbutt.

[me=Kirby]gives K2 some of his pipes[/me]

Re: TF Tuesdays - 1/12 - Luinbariel - 01-12-2010

Not in the mood today.

Re: TF Tuesdays - 1/12 - Didzo - 01-12-2010

It's been well over a week since my last time playing TF2.

Pray for me, men.

Re: TF Tuesdays - 1/12 - CaffeinePowered - 01-12-2010

Gripped improved a lot but still suffers a flaw where the flag ends up being held by one team for the entire "domination" limit. - Upload demos (morning)

Alaska - shows promise, needs textures

basalt - Probbaly would use this as a rotation map for Red, I see no reason why not to

deadrun - if only it was just one point ;(

Re: TF Tuesdays - 1/12 - vilepickle - 01-13-2010

Thanks for playtesting gripped again.  I assumed it would come down to being held the full time even though there aren't too many places to hide anymore... that's just the nature of larger games I think.  It might be fun in smaller games hopefully. 

That said, I've started a CTF map for the TF2maps contest... so I'm not sure how much development time gripped will get

Re: TF Tuesdays - 1/12 - [fr31ns]Karrde - 01-13-2010

Alaska was great imho.  Turtling seemed less effective imho.  Gripped needs work.  See caff's remarks.  Basalt does well what it a KOTH (not a big fan of KOTH).  Deadrun.....ho that author needs to rework the entire second stage.  Which is sad since the first stage is so awesome.

Re: TF Tuesdays - 1/12 - CaffeinePowered - 01-13-2010

(01-13-2010, 12:04 AM)vilepickle link Wrote: Thanks for playtesting gripped again.  I assumed it would come down to being held the full time even though there aren't too many places to hide anymore... that's just the nature of larger games I think.  It might be fun in smaller games hopefully. 

That said, I've started a CTF map for the TF2maps contest... so I'm not sure how much development time gripped will get

Mostly it seemed like the other team would go hide the flag, then to get to the flag, you had to fight across the whole map and kill their entire team twice over. Once because they are already breathing down your neck on your side, then again after they've respawned.

a3 demos

Re: TF Tuesdays - 1/12 - Moosendoo - 01-13-2010

I thought all the maps were pretty decent, except maybe for that last CTF map.  Gripped and alaska were fun, I'd love to see basalt on rotation, and deadrun definitely has potential.

BTW, how'd the norad test go? I had to leave and get some sleep since I have an early morning class on Wednesdays.

Re: TF Tuesdays - 1/12 - CaffeinePowered - 01-13-2010

(01-13-2010, 08:44 AM)Moosendoo link Wrote: I thought all the maps were pretty decent, except maybe for that last CTF map.  Gripped and alaska were fun, I'd love to see basalt on rotation, and deadrun definitely has potential.

BTW, how'd the norad test go? I had to leave and get some sleep since I have an early morning class on Wednesdays.

The map itself as usual, plays well....the bug however, persists Sad