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HlStats Suggestions - copulatingduck - 06-02-2008

First of all, once more: awesome job with getting the stats setup Scotty. The smack can now be brought on a whole 'nother scale the likes of which haven't been seen. I thoroughly enjoyed calling Caff #3 a la Afro Samurai earlier this evening (anyone else thinking what I'm thinking?  ;D). Second, a quote: (forgive the accuracy, it's from my fishy memory)

Quote:Random Scrub: Honestly, who even cares about stats and rankings anyway?

Kor: Just about every fucking one of us in this server buddy. It's all about the rank-whoring for us. ;D

And now, the suggestions. In order to keep this as a clean/usable list, please just post your suggestions/opinions on said suggestions. Refrain from posting moar dirty vajayjays (I'm looking at you VD!)

In my mind, there are really only two things that need tweaking: the titles for awards, and the weighting. First of all, as Kor so eloquently put it, an engineer who's worth his salt is going to have a teleporter up. I might even go so far as to say that a teleporter going up should be worth as many points/ more than building a sentry. Second, I don't like the idea that you lose so many points for dying with the flag. Personally, I think there should be no points loss (or a very small loss) for dropping the flag. If someone just kept packing it in, running the flag back in 3 ft at a time, and managed to cap it, they deserve to gain points, not lose them. Currently, teleporters are worth 1 pt each for entrance and exit, and picking and dropping the flagging is worth +5/-10. Net points should not be negative for picking up and dropping the flag. Give the engy moar points for building shit.

Also, titles:

[tr][td]Feed me points! | Chubby Chaser[/td][td]Kill Assists[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]I get dominated a lot[/td][td]Revenges[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]I oughta be on a baseball card | Boink![/td][td]Bat kills[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]I use aimbots[/td][td]Sentrygun kills[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]I don't like to be on the frontlines[/td][td]Sniper kills[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]Epic Chubby![/td][td]Minigun kills[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]Like my prison shank?[/td][td]Backstabs[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]Epic Fisting | Super Punchout[/td][td]Fist kills[/td][/tr]

Currently, the Demoman is left out in the Daily Server Awards (typical). Can we add him? Other than that, take a look at the skill bonus table I linked above, and see if there's anything about it you'd like changed. Let's here what you folks have to say.

Re: HlStats Suggestions - Wedge - 06-02-2008

I'm the top fister on the server.

That is all.

Re: HlStats Suggestions - Budr - 06-02-2008

I would suggest turning the stats off, I find they tend to be detrimental to gameplay.

Re: HlStats Suggestions - ainmosni - 06-02-2008

(06-02-2008, 04:31 AM)Budr link Wrote: I would suggest turning the stats off, I find they tend to be detrimental to gameplay.

How do you mean? I haven't noticed any problems because of the stats... Can you give me a good example?

Re: HlStats Suggestions - Budr - 06-02-2008

tbh, I haven't noticed it much yet on the servers but my local server implemented HLX earlier this year and all the regs got competitive and only wanted to play high points classes, got a bit silly and the admins eventually switched it off again.

Re: HlStats Suggestions - Mission Difficult - 06-02-2008

Also, stats should be disabled during the humiliation period.

Re: HlStats Suggestions - Kor - 06-02-2008

Demo awards: Pineapple Philanthropist > Most grenade kills
                      IT"S A TRAP! > Most sticky kills
                      Alcoholics Unanonymous > Most bottle kills

As for the rank whorering, I really just see it as a another level of smack talk, but largely a way of randoms/newguys of identifying who the big players are, both in points and in playtime. Futhermore, the point weighting is out of whack. As CD pointed out, you need to provide a point incentive in some cases to make sure that people that are looking to maintain class balance instead of whoring it up. Inversely you need to make things like headshots and backstabs a minimum value so that people are going for easy kills.

Re: HlStats Suggestions - Eschatos - 06-02-2008

It makes no sense that you lose points for dropping the flag.  Just make it -5 so people can't point-whore with it.

Re: HlStats Suggestions - Surf314 - 06-02-2008

I care just enough to find it interesting - not near enough to change my play style.

Re: HlStats Suggestions - CaffeinePowered - 06-02-2008

(06-02-2008, 09:37 AM)Surf314 link Wrote: I care just enough to find it interesting - not near enough to change my play style.

And thats probably how most people will see it. I doubt that many people will change their play style much

Re: HlStats Suggestions - ainmosni - 06-02-2008

(06-02-2008, 10:19 AM)CaffeinePowered link Wrote: [quote author=Surf314 link=topic=420.msg9829#msg9829 date=1212417460]
I care just enough to find it interesting - not near enough to change my play style.

And thats probably how most people will see it. I doubt that many people will change their play style much

Same, I just want to play the way I want and if stats reward me for it, so be it.

Re: HlStats Suggestions - fyre - 06-02-2008

(06-02-2008, 09:37 AM)Surf314 link Wrote: I care just enough to find it interesting - not near enough to change my play style.

Me too.

Re: HlStats Suggestions - exanimo - 06-02-2008

I'm with Budr on this one.

Re: HlStats Suggestions - Vandamguy - 06-02-2008

(06-02-2008, 09:22 AM)Eschatos link Wrote: It makes no sense that you lose points for dropping the flag.  Just make it -5 so people can't point-whore with it.

i want to be able to spam "we have dropped the flag" with a friend and not get slammed Smile
see if we can crash the stats server too while we're at it

Re: HlStats Suggestions - ToiletDuck - 06-02-2008

Make the clan tags pick up any names with 'duck' in it, we will be unstoppable.

Re: HlStats Suggestions - CaffeinePowered - 06-02-2008

(06-02-2008, 01:09 PM)Toilet Duck link Wrote: Make the clan tags pick up any names with 'duck' in it, we will be unstoppable.

We should have a duck themed name night

Re: HlStats Suggestions - copulatingduck - 06-02-2008

My Worms Armageddon Team is the Might Ducks. All Duck  ;D.

Re: HlStats Suggestions - CaffeinePowered - 06-02-2008

(06-02-2008, 01:40 PM)copulatingduck link Wrote: My Worms Armageddon Team is the Might Ducks. All Duck  ;D.

Quickly Flying V of Pyros!

Re: HlStats Suggestions - Wedge - 06-02-2008

I played 2-3 hours as nothing but a fist heavy over the weekend, so I wouldn't be too worried about anybody here changing their play to whore points.

Re: HlStats Suggestions - copulatingduck - 06-02-2008

(06-02-2008, 02:36 PM)Wedge link Wrote: I played 2-3 hours as nothing but a fist heavy over the weekend, so I wouldn't be too worried about anybody here changing their play to whore points.

Yah, I still get bored and run around suiciding, and so far, it seems like everyone (who is into that sort of thing anyways) is up to the usual. The only difference for me is (I'm a whore, I know) I (sadly) feel like I have something to defend. If anything I've felt a bit obligated to show up whereas before I would just've at at home drinking instead.