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ZOMG TF3 First Footage!! - Printable Version

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ZOMG TF3 First Footage!! - copulatingduck - 06-14-2008

TF3 (an RTS) - First Footage EVAR!!



I was bored and watching demos, zoomed out super far cuz I wanted to see ALL of dustbowl in its entirety when I thought "hey, it looks a bit like an RTS from here..." So this is what I ended up with. Would be an interesting twist at the very least, even if it was as boring as Starcraft. Also, shuddup about how boring the video is. I thought about trying to throw in some Starcraft music and sound effects to make a hilarious new RTS, but I dun know how to edit videos, so I said "fuck it."

Also, an interesting perspective for filming for all you photage-type folks out there (this was made possible with SourceTV ;D)

Re: ZOMG TF3 First Footage!! - Dave - 06-14-2008

this better not be rickroll.

Re: ZOMG TF3 First Footage!! - CaffeinePowered - 06-14-2008

that was actually kind of interesting, I bet we could stage something if you recorded with no mics, then added in like a fake RTS cursor and some of the in game sound clips from the classes and a few other effects...

Re: ZOMG TF3 First Footage!! - Fail Medic - 06-14-2008

There is no sign of rickrolling.  BORING!  lol j/k

"Been a general for fifteen years.  Now I'm takin' orders from a duck."

Yeah, it sells it when you follow along at the same speed as the units below you.  It's like you're right-clicking to make them attack-move Big Grin . 

The snippet in that thing we did with the scouts bum-rushing the sentry was likened to a 'lingrush more than once.  There is precedent to go full-tilt with a RTS-inspired movie.  You could get a shot of a spawn and as units come out you can fake someone clicking "TRAIN SOLDIER" or "TRAIN MEDIC".  Engineers would be SCVs.  Heh, it'd be neat if we could have Engineers "mining" from a big heaping pile of discarded weapons and ammo pickups.

Re: ZOMG TF3 First Footage!! - Versus - 06-14-2008

(06-14-2008, 10:33 AM)Fail (Medic) link Wrote: "Been a general for fifteen years.  Now I'm takin' orders from a duck."


Also, youtube or gtfo, I'm on an internet cafe computer. :p

Re: ZOMG TF3 First Footage!! - copulatingduck - 06-14-2008

(06-14-2008, 10:39 AM)Versus link Wrote: [quote author=Fail (Medic) link=topic=511.msg12599#msg12599 date=1213457588]
"Been a general for fifteen years.  Now I'm takin' orders from a duck."


Also, youtube or gtfo, I'm on an internet cafe computer. :p

Uploading to n00btube just for you. Tongue's and <3's

Link (I think it's working now??)

Re: ZOMG TF3 First Footage!! - exanimo - 06-14-2008

LMFAO, I watched the youtubeclip.  As I was watching I was thinking "wow", other servers have very similar types of chatter we have at the BRB,Uninstalling server.  Suddenly I heard a familiar voice, it was peaches. Then it made sense, it was one of our servers.  Man, BRB,u is pretty unique.

Re: ZOMG TF3 First Footage!! - dapngwnman - 06-14-2008

At the start with the Heavy, that reminded me of the Alien Swarm mod for UT2k4.

Imagine a top down 3rd person shooter with all the tf2 classes. THAT WOULD ROCK.