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FNF - 12/17 - Our Benevolent Random Dictator - Printable Version

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FNF - 12/17 - Our Benevolent Random Dictator - CaffeinePowered - 12-15-2010

At least the trains run on time

Benito asked for me to make the FNF post since he has a final today and tomorrow Smile

Not sure exactly what he has planned, but I know it will end with an RPS.

Most likely some shenanigans, a pickup, and booze.


Re: FNF - 12/17 - Our Benevolent Random Dictator - Benito Mussolini - 12-15-2010

Well my last final didn't take as long as I expected (I was over with it after about 40 minutes because I am that awesome), so I'll make some kind of post here.

So good evening everyone!
[Image: mussolini090909.jpg]

I have got some cool plans for this friday's FNF. Some will be random, but nothing benevolent, and certainely dictated by me.

So we are going to play 3 maps, none of which will have to be downloaded because I don't have time for that.

1 - We will start with a pretty standard match on dustbowl, just because I like this map.
This is where I start being malevolent.
Everyone will have to play his least played class, whichever that is. I don't care how much you hate playing that class, I don't care how much you suck with that class. Just take it like a man and play that one single class that appears at the buttom of your played time.

And if you ask how I would know if it really is your least played class... well you guys are right, I cannot check how much you're cheap and how much you suck at this game. =)

2 - I feel like Well isn't played enough, so we're going to do a match on that
This is where I start being random.
Yeah, you guys will pick random every round, if you didn't get it already. No changing during the match, even if there are 5 snipers 6 medics (it's going to be a quick match anyways)

3 - Last will be RPickupS (pickup[sup]1[/sup], then RPS, HOW AWESOME IS THAT??) on lazytown busytown because I miss that map, and because RPS's are awesome.
This is where I start being a dictator

You guys better have fun or else...

No booze involved. Well maybe, we'll see how well Quantum Mechanics II goes...

See you guys friday!
[Image: article-0-0065890C00000258-345_233x388.jpg]

[sup]1[/sup]Captains will be Eightball and Liquid because they shouldn't be on the same team. <3

Re: FNF - 12/17 - Our Benevolent Random Dictator - Negate - 12-15-2010

busytown is superior in every way over lazytown.

Re: FNF - 12/17 - Our Benevolent Random Dictator - Benito Mussolini - 12-15-2010

(12-15-2010, 08:18 PM)negate link Wrote: busytown is superior in every way over lazytown.

I guess it's busytown I meant? Which is usually used for RPS's?

Re: FNF - 12/17 - Our Benevolent Random Dictator - Luca Shoal - 12-16-2010

Man, I'd love to be there :<. But I work, and then I'm gonna be social with coworkers and drunken RB.

Re: FNF - 12/17 - Our Benevolent Random Dictator - cbre88x - 12-16-2010

God I can't wait for January 20th.

Re: FNF - 12/17 - Our Benevolent Random Dictator - Versus - 12-16-2010

i will be there. i will not complain about playing soldier.

Re: FNF - 12/17 - Our Benevolent Random Dictator - [fr31ns]Karrde - 12-17-2010

Yeah, you want busytown, Benito.

Re: FNF - 12/17 - Our Benevolent Random Dictator - beep beep diglett - 12-17-2010

(12-16-2010, 04:17 AM)Versus-pwny- link Wrote: i will be there. i will complain about playing medic.

Re: FNF - 12/17 - Our Benevolent Random Dictator - Versus - 12-17-2010

(12-17-2010, 03:12 PM)diglett link Wrote: [quote author=Versus-pwny- link=topic=5245.msg188010#msg188010 date=1292491023]
i will be there. i will complain about playing medic soldier.

Re: FNF - 12/17 - Our Benevolent Random Dictator - commish - 12-17-2010

(12-17-2010, 03:51 PM)Versus-pwny- link Wrote: [quote author=diglett link=topic=5245.msg188163#msg188163 date=1292616740]
[quote author=Versus-pwny- link=topic=5245.msg188010#msg188010 date=1292491023]
i will be there. i will complain about playing medic soldier.

Re: FNF - 12/17 - Our Benevolent Random Dictator - backfire - 12-17-2010

AAAAAannnnd tf2 update! Right on time for FNF.

Re: FNF - 12/17 - Our Benevolent Random Dictator - Benito Mussolini - 12-17-2010

fucking updates