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Supreme Commander - Printable Version

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Supreme Commander - Eschatos - 08-09-2008

Who wants to play it?  Nothing better than building up for half an hour then sending massive armies crashing into each other.

[Image: supreme_commander_e3-13.jpg]

Re: Supreme Commander - copulatingduck - 08-10-2008

Holy Shit!! That looks AWESOME!

Re: Supreme Commander - Squishy3 - 08-10-2008

supreme commander is an amazing game, I'm just too poor to afford it Sad

Re: Supreme Commander - Versus - 08-10-2008

I'll play Smile

just gotta find my disk >_>;

Re: Supreme Commander - Eschatos - 08-10-2008

You can call me the Pirate King.  Message me for a download link.  The game itself actually is rather easy to learn.  I haven't played in months so I won't be playing too great. 

Re: Supreme Commander - REDjackeT - 08-10-2008

I spend a sad portion of my life playing Total Annihilation.  For some reason, I just can't get in to supreme commander though... maybe it was the timing...

I know my dvd is around here somewhere...

IIRC, I started playing it when my computer liked to randomly reboot during heavy combat and NUKES GOING OFF (so cool in TA and SC)... but that issue seems gone with other games...

Re: Supreme Commander - Lode - 08-10-2008

i played it, though my old system couldn't handle THE AWESOMENESS that happens when weapons of mass destruction are unleashed.

Re: Supreme Commander - Surf314 - 08-11-2008

If this is the game I'm thinking of I used to have way too much fun sending my commander into other peoples bases to be blown up (since he nuked the screen when he died).  It was a good tactic when you were losing to take someone out with you.  Or just for when you were getting bored, or if game lost on death of commander is unchecked in the victory conditions.

Anyone want to play with me anymore  ;D

Re: Supreme Commander - Squishy3 - 08-11-2008

Have my copy. Smile

Re: Supreme Commander - KorJax - 08-13-2008

I loved SupCom (was in the beta), but I gotta tell you Forged Alliance owns it in about every department.  Even the FA campaign mode is fun (which it wasn't very fun in SupCom)!

Here is a video of FA in motion: