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Building a Lego sentry - Printable Version

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Building a Lego sentry - Scary Womanizing Pig Mask - 07-22-2008

[Image: legoSentry.jpg]

Combine Brenden Mauro's Team Fortress 2 Lego figures and the the two real life Sentry Gun and you get LEGO_Mancers's amazing life sized Level 3 Sentry. Accurate even to the decals, this behemoth of a creation is one of the most impressive Lego constructions I've ever seen. Only thing missing is a Lego dispenser behind it, and a sapper on top. Even with out those though, it still a fantastic model, and the best TF2 custom to date. Awesome job LEGO_Mancer ^_^

You're thoughts?

Re: Building a Lego sentry - ainmosni - 07-22-2008

Pure unadulterated awesome... Especially the paintball sentry link! +1

Re: Building a Lego sentry - Luinbariel - 07-22-2008

Super sweet... indeed, +1.

Re: Building a Lego sentry - TBot Alpha - 07-22-2008

Wow, that is awesome.

Re: Building a Lego sentry - KarthXLR - 07-22-2008

Awesome....but someone has too much free time on their hands.

Re: Building a Lego sentry - Neonie - 07-22-2008


Re: Building a Lego sentry - Dave - 07-22-2008

autism comes through for lego fans everwhere yet again.

Re: Building a Lego sentry - Stein - 07-22-2008

that thing looks freaken awesome!
and that paintball sentry you linked was insane

Re: Building a Lego sentry - HeK - 07-22-2008

Awesome! Lego creativity never ends!

Re: Building a Lego sentry - Ceceil Felias - 07-23-2008

Woo, score another victory for Lego. <3 Though it's a shame that I can't watch Youtube on my laptop, because that one other link seems quite interesting.