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PC FNF - 2009/01/23 - *insert Obama related change joke here* - Printable Version

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PC FNF - 2009/01/23 - *insert Obama related change joke here* - ScottyGrayskull - 01-23-2009

Hello, and welcome to another edition of PC Friday Night Fights! I've had a very tiring week, and I for one am certainly looking forward to playing with you all.

After a nap. Thanks to Obama however I was able to buy myself an energy drink to get through the rest of my workday with some motha'-fuckin' CHANGE!!

Now, you might notice that there aren't any new Team Fortress 2 maps this week. I've noticed recently that despite there being lots of FNF-worthy PC games out there, my (and CaffeinePowered's before that) posts have really only been about TF2. In addition, FNF has been little more than a copy of Team Fortress Tuesdays. That's going to start changing this week, and will in the coming weeks hopefully continue to expand to encompass a wide range of PC titles.


As I said for Team Fortress 2, we aren't going to do any new maps. What we are going to do however is some pickups (just like middle school dodgeball, two captains picking teams with the last person picked changing their name to "the fat kid" for the duration of the match), and RPSes (Rock/Paper/Shotgun, where a person from each team picks a class, the whole team picks that class, and the match goes as normal). If those get old I'm open to other zaniness, or just reverting back to normal play.

In addition to the gameplay changes, we've done away with the map voting plugin and have returned to a standard map rotation for the server. I can't recall the rotation atm, but it's 8-10 good maps with thankfully no arena to be seen. All the other maps in the map packs are still available for rtv (rocking the vote) however

As for Left 4 Dead, I figure it's time to actually promote the underutilized steam group. Everyone in that group has L4D (or at least should), so you can use that to help find people to play with instead of spamming invites to people who may not have the game. The group is invite only, but asking anybody in the group will (or at least should, and if not ask me) get you an invite. Smile

---Standard Info For Everyone---

Left 4 Dead
8-player versus private server;  IP:;  Password: littlecart
Steam group, to help find players for a game.

Team Fortress 2
- Map Packs (version 6): arena maps, ctf maps, cp maps, pl maps, other maps

Time: 8pm Central (2am UTC)
- Server: #1 [FastDL|Customs|HLStatsX|Voting];  IP:;  Password: littlecart
- Spill-Over Server: #2 No Crits;  IP:;  Password: N/A

Destructoid post

Re: PC FNF - 2009/01/23 - *insert Obama related change joke here* - Riosan - 01-23-2009

wacky_races and donkey_kong


Re: PC FNF - 2009/01/23 - *insert Obama related change joke here* - Honest - 01-23-2009

Norad when we get bored. Or Wacky races, I heartily support both and might possibly even show up for once.

Re: PC FNF - 2009/01/23 - *insert Obama related change joke here* - Dave - 01-23-2009

(01-23-2009, 04:26 PM)Honest link Wrote: Norad when we get bored. Or Wacky races, I heartily support both and might possibly even show up for once.

Re: PC FNF - 2009/01/23 - *insert Obama related change joke here* - Geoff - 01-23-2009

Can you show that ctf map I gave to you to caff?  That is too good to be passed up. 

Also, will not be there because I am at allstate orchestra.  Just got back from 7 hour practice D:

Re: PC FNF - 2009/01/23 - *insert Obama related change joke here* - Eschatos - 01-23-2009

Could we actually do a decent amount of stock maps for once?  It seems that there is no custom map that everyone likes, and quite a few that cause people to quit.  *coughcoughScience2cough*  I can't remember the last time we played gravel pit.

Re: PC FNF - 2009/01/23 - *insert Obama related change joke here* - Wedge - 01-23-2009

(01-23-2009, 05:46 PM)Eschatos link Wrote: Could we actually do a decent amount of stock maps for once?  It seems that there is no custom map that everyone likes, and quite a few that cause people to quit.  *coughcoughScience2cough*  I can't remember the last time we played gravel pit.

Probably because you never play the game outside of FNF, if at all.  The default map rotation on the server is pretty thick with stocks now.

Also Science2 for rotation plz.

Re: PC FNF - 2009/01/23 - *insert Obama related change joke here* - ZargonX - 01-23-2009
