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JFK 1991 - MrGrey - 02-07-2009

can someone please find me a WORKING streaming link to the movie JFK by oliver stone.  I only found the youku version and that site blows chunk. 

Re: JFK 1991 - MrGrey - 02-07-2009


Re: JFK 1991 - KarthXLR - 02-07-2009

this was up for 4 hours?

Re: JFK 1991 - MrGrey - 02-08-2009

why wouldnt it be? trolling? who gives a shit... everyone does it Big Grin

Re: JFK 1991 - CaffeinePowered - 02-08-2009

(02-07-2009, 10:25 PM)Ye Salty Karth link Wrote: this was up for 4 hours?

I Pm'd him a torrent, just wasn't going to post it in the thread itself

Re: JFK 1991 - rumsfald - 02-08-2009

The larger moral issue in question here is not of piracy, but in feeding a movie about conspiracy theories to Mr. Grey.

Re: JFK 1991 - Ianki - 02-08-2009

(02-08-2009, 05:40 PM)rumsfald link Wrote: The larger moral issue in question here is not of piracy, but in feeding a movie about conspiracy theories to Mr. Grey.

You sir, deserve a cookie.

Re: JFK 1991 - MrGrey - 02-08-2009

nicely done rummy... however, if you believe the jfk assassination was done by oswald... then you sir, are a fuckfag.

Re: JFK 1991 - KarthXLR - 02-08-2009

(02-08-2009, 09:06 PM)MrGrey link Wrote: nicely done rummy... however, if you believe the jfk assassination was done by oswald... then you sir, are a fuckfag.

Re: JFK 1991 - rumsfald - 02-08-2009

[Image: TheTruthIsOutThere.jpg]

Re: JFK 1991 - Luinbariel - 02-09-2009

(02-08-2009, 10:11 PM)rumsfald link Wrote: [Image: TheTruthIsOutThere.jpg]

Re: JFK 1991 - MrGrey - 02-09-2009

Re: JFK 1991 - ScottyGrayskull - 02-09-2009

(02-08-2009, 09:06 PM)MrGrey link Wrote: nicely done rummy... however, if you believe the jfk assassination was done by oswald... then you sir, are a fuckfag.

Of course I think Oswald did it...

[Image: pengif.gif]

Re: JFK 1991 - Versus - 02-09-2009

(02-09-2009, 02:42 AM)MrGrey link Wrote:


Re: JFK 1991 - Dave - 02-09-2009

you can be blinded by conspiracy theories just as much as you can be blinded by the government

it works both ways
except the government are a larger group that some douche in his basement with a laptop and bourry pics of UFOs.

Re: JFK 1991 - MrGrey - 02-09-2009

laugh at loosechange all you want.  I laugh at the people who saw the only 2 buildings in history collapse at freefall speed in under an hour and believe that it was from a plane crash.  Planes crash into skyscrapers all the time, they are BUILT to withstand plane crashes.  I'm not saying the gov did it, oh no no no no no no, that would make me CRAAAZZYY and  CONSPIRACY THEORIST.. I'm simply saying i dont believe a word the united states government tells me. 

as for kennedy, lets ask someone who is a bit more enlightened about the subject:

Re: JFK 1991 - x - 02-09-2009

(02-09-2009, 03:14 PM)MrGrey link Wrote: Planes crash into skyscrapers all the time

I've missed you dude.

Re: JFK 1991 - ScottyGrayskull - 02-10-2009

(02-09-2009, 03:14 PM)MrGrey link Wrote: Planes crash into skyscrapers all the time


Quote:they are BUILT to withstand plane crashes.

I thought they explained why the buildings fell so quick, because the fire from the fuel weakened the supports to the point where they couldn't hold up the rest of the building anymore. Makes sense that metal that is heated up from a jet fuel fire gets significantly weaker.

I'm disappointed that nobody linked to this yet.

Re: JFK 1991 - Ianki - 02-10-2009

Re: JFK 1991 - MrGrey - 02-10-2009

you can seek out thousands of contradicting elements and watch your CNN and FOX news like good little sheep... i will stick to my common sense.  Everything about JFK, 911, etc... can be easily swayed toward one side or the other.  What the gov tells you or CONSPIRACY.  It's amusing to know that everytime someone has an opinion or thinks outside the box he is immediately labeled insane or a conspiracy theorist.  It never occurred to people that the gov lies to you and doesnt give a shit about you?  It's truly profound how dumb the average american is... It's business in america as usual, create an enemy and get the expected reaction and we have been doing it for YEARS.  It's also funny to me that osama bin laden was intelligent and financially stable enough to manufacture the greatest "TERRORIST" attack on american soil but was dumb enough to make a video incriminating himself... lol its fucking ABSURD what the american people are willing to buy for the illusion of safety and security.  Man, he has got to be the most ridiculous murderer in the history of them all. 

Here are 2 pics... one is the real bin laden and the other is from the confession tape... kinda strange?

[Image: fatnose.jpg]

It doesnt matter, this debate or conversation or whatever you want to call it is going nowhere.  I've learned to disconnect myself from all this bullshit because trying to speak to people on an intellectual level nowadays is pointless.
It is a sad time we live in where men and women can be audited from the IRS for no apparent reason and have everything stripped from them, it's a sad day where police/military can search and seize with no right or warrant, it's a sad day where fascism has blinded the american public because everyone is too concerned with the invisible boogiemen who are jealous of our freedoms...and of course by freedoms they mean our oreo cookie pizza, mini sirloin burgers, and topless strip joints.  It's a really sad day where people are afraid of their own government and when good, caring, loving people are too terrified to stand up as one and restore our nations power back to those whom it rightfully belongs, we the people.  People are bankrupt and struggling and because our SAVIOR president is going to issue a stimulus check you think everything will be fixed? are you fucking serious?  You honestly think this war is going to end?  They have NO intention of stopping until they control everything in the fucking world, it's the truth, when the fire dies down in Iraq they will create a new enemy and new laws and rules which stipulates their absolute power under the false pretenses of safety and national security.  I say all this because I truly love you all and I am just trying to open your eyes to new ideas, dont be scared if people call you crazy and cast you out... all of the greatest minds of our time have been labeled insane, einstien, voltaire, neitche, MLK, aristotle, young, plato, etc...  I look around and see this world in the shit pipe and getting progressively worse, so if what we are doing is right and the things we believe in are true, then why is everything so bad?  You may not see it because you sleep in your beds quiet and cozy everynight but think of all of the innocent people being slaughtered, over what?  The thirst for power, nothing more.  I have nothing else to say, goodnight. 

"When the power of love overcomes the love of power the world will know peace. - Jimi Hendrix"