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Moments you wished you had recorded - Printable Version

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Moments you wished you had recorded - s0lesurviv0r - 07-28-2008

I'm sure we've had those funny moments that you wished you had recorded but will only rest in the corner of your mind to give you a chuckle.  This could be a thread where those moment will live on nearly maybe forever in this forum.  State the map, your class, and what happened.  You may respond with an lol or stfu

Map: Mach4
Class: Demo

It was overtime with Demo Melee, our team did a good job of staying huddled together and taking out the team and whittled them down to two people.  They started hiding so we went ahead to get the intel.  Along the way we caught one of the last guys.  we get into the intel room and grab the intel.  I turn around just in time to see the last enemy demo fall from the top and kill himself.

lol or stfu?

Re: Moments you wished you had recorded - copulatingduck - 07-28-2008

When I finally got jump2 of rj_rocketeer_adv.  Sad

Re: Moments you wished you had recorded - ScottyGrayskull - 07-28-2008

I was a soly, and had rocket jumped onto the upper level of Mach4 from the courtyard. I was poking my head around and firing at the sentry in the opposide corner, when one of my rockets caught head on a cloaked Caffeine who had just come out of spawn. A crit rocket no less. ;D

He didn't know what hit him and I wound up getting killed because I couldn't stop laughing.

Re: Moments you wished you had recorded - TBot Alpha - 07-28-2008

I was playing 2fort one day as a medic, and at one point an enemy heavy got into our base. Another enemy, a spy (I think), was running up the spiral staircase with our intel, and just as he got to the last bend, I finished him with a hail of needles just as the aforementioned heavy got up to the point just in front of our spawn. I ran out, spotted him, ran back into the spiral staircase area, and hopped up onto the pile of boxes immediately on the left at the top of the spiral, and waited for him to go for the intel. He waddled through, firing his gun at a demoman that had pursued the spy up the spiral, so I whipped out my ubersaw, jabbed him with it to finish off my ubercharge, then dropped down in front of it to block him from getting the intel. Then my uber ran out and he uppercutted me in the face. But I had bought my team some time, and he was eventually killed by a combination of rockets and grenades.  ;D

How we laughed.

Re: Moments you wished you had recorded - ToiletDuck - 07-28-2008

every single mid air back stab i've done :'(

Re: Moments you wished you had recorded - Surf314 - 07-28-2008

I've told this story before but we were doing paper rock scissors and it was spy vs spy on labor.  I disguised as the enemy cloaked and went to their respawn and ran back so it looked like I was on their team.  When I got there some guy backstabbed one of my team mates and was capping the point, he noticed me but was totally fooled.  I got the backstab and then was like haha did you see that guy on my team who just ran up, I just stabbed this guy because he thought I was one of them but I wasn't.  That was awesome.  Then he backstabbed me.

Another funny but self-deprecating moment was on gravelpit.  I was a solly on defense and jumped up on the spawn at B and was completely handing the other teams ass to them as they were coming out the door.  Normally I think this is cheap but on that day I was like whatever we could use the advantage they already got A, plus there is a demo on the other side doing the same thing.  The demo got killed so I was like shit I could use some help, plus they started sending spies and it was just luck I got a couple while cloaked.  Then I noticed a pyro behind me and I was like oh good I could use your help you can help watch for spies.  As I turned my back I thought "wait a minute pyros can't jump up here."  Ker-stabbed.

Re: Moments you wished you had recorded - CaffeinePowered - 07-28-2008

The other day, mid-air dunk rejection on bball. I think Jorge was in complete shock

Re: Moments you wished you had recorded - Squishy3 - 07-28-2008

I was a scout trying to rush past the sentries on the last point on the last capture stage on dustbowl.

I got propelled by a sentry right into the face of the sniper who was trying to kill me, and proceeded to bonk him.

Re: Moments you wished you had recorded - rumsfald - 07-28-2008

Can I wish my Badlands comment wasn't recorded?

Re: Moments you wished you had recorded - KarthXLR - 07-28-2008

Two things:

On invisible spy headshot. Completely by accident!

On Mach4...I killed three people in a row with a wrench. Demo w/ Medic, the Medic, and the soldier behind them. (And these were one hit kills)

Re: Moments you wished you had recorded - K2 - 07-28-2008

Karth's comment reminded me of one.

I was sniping on the battlements on Turbine. I was waiting to get a shot off on a pyro down near the health pack on their side. I finally get a clear shot, pull the trigger, and the corpse of an enemy spy suddenly appears right in front of the pyro. Really bad timing on that spy's part.

Another one, when I was a Demo on 2fort. I was outside right in front of our base, and I saw an enemy scout running on the roof of the bridge to our battlements. I quickly look up and fire a pipe bomb, it connects with him in mid-air as he's jumping to our battlements, and he explodes. I felt like a total badass at that moment.

Re: Moments you wished you had recorded - Dave - 07-28-2008

(07-28-2008, 12:51 PM)K2 link Wrote: Karth's comment reminded me of one.

I was sniping on the battlements on Turbine. I was waiting to get a shot off on a pyro down near the health pack on their side. I finally get a clear shot, pull the trigger, and the corpse of an enemy spy suddenly appears right in front of the pyro. Really bad timing on that spy's part.

Another one, when I was a Demo on 2fort. I was outside right in front of our base, and I saw an enemy scout running on the roof of the bridge to our battlements. I quickly look up and fire a pipe bomb, it connects with him in mid-air as he's jumping to our battlements, and he explodes. I felt like a total badass at that moment.

that was me >Sad

and it was total badass.

Re: Moments you wished you had recorded - CaffeinePowered - 07-28-2008

(07-28-2008, 12:52 PM)Dave link Wrote: [quote author=K2 link=topic=988.msg25571#msg25571 date=1217267484]
Karth's comment reminded me of one.

I was sniping on the battlements on Turbine. I was waiting to get a shot off on a pyro down near the health pack on their side. I finally get a clear shot, pull the trigger, and the corpse of an enemy spy suddenly appears right in front of the pyro. Really bad timing on that spy's part.

Another one, when I was a Demo on 2fort. I was outside right in front of our base, and I saw an enemy scout running on the roof of the bridge to our battlements. I quickly look up and fire a pipe bomb, it connects with him in mid-air as he's jumping to our battlements, and he explodes. I felt like a total badass at that moment.

that was me >Sad

and it was total badass.

Ive done that before, it took me two pipebombs, first knocked him straight up, second mid-air one killed him

Re: Moments you wished you had recorded - dapngwnman - 07-28-2008

(07-28-2008, 12:02 PM)KarthXLR link Wrote: Two things:

On invisible spy headshot. Completely by accident!

On Mach4...I killed three people in a row with a wrench. Demo w/ Medic, the Medic, and the soldier behind them.

Karth's mach4 triple wrench kill. God that was hilarious.

Re: Moments you wished you had recorded - Ianki - 07-28-2008

Me sniping Caff, only to be taunt killed by geoff on 2fort.  The epicness of the failure was punctuated by the fact that the only reason caff didn't shoot me first was to see me flamed to death.

Re: Moments you wished you had recorded - [fr31ns]Karrde - 07-28-2008

I was a medic with an uber ready.  Jumped around  the final corner of dustbowl from the top part.  Landed on top of a rocket.  Not hit by...directly on top.

Re: Moments you wished you had recorded - Versus - 07-28-2008

tc_hydro, sudden death, killing a train of 5-7 people as a spy.

Re: Moments you wished you had recorded - Riosan - 07-29-2008

I was playing Turbine as a sniper. I was walking through the vents. I stop and decide to just shoot at the wall because I hate Turbine. Just then, my friend walks into the vent, and I headshot him. He yells out "WHAT THE HELL" or something. It was awesome.

Re: Moments you wished you had recorded - rumsfald - 07-29-2008

I wish I had recorded Eschatos's face when he read the weekly TF2 update.

Re: Moments you wished you had recorded - copulatingduck - 07-29-2008

(07-29-2008, 07:22 PM)rumsfald link Wrote: I wish I had recorded Eschatos's face when he read the weekly TF2 update.

Lolz! Me too Rummy, me too.