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HLTV - Who Can Run It? - Printable Version

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HLTV - Who Can Run It? - CaffeinePowered - 04-11-2008

Since the general consensus is that we want 25 slots in the server, who can run HLTV?

Recommended Requirements:
1) Able to have HLTV join the server as soon as FNF/TFT start, and not later
2) Have a second PC to handle the HLTV recording (or one really bitchin PC)
3) Ability to be there for the entirety of FNF/TFT

Im not sure if you can set HLTV to auto-record everything or if you manually have to do it, its been a while since Ive messed with it.

If you meet any of these requirement and are WILLING to do it tonight I just may be able to increase the slot size to 25 tonight

EDIT: I did not realize you do not need a separate tool, however, the best to do would be to set up a proxy, which is what the person volunteering has to do, since I don't think I'm allowed to set up the TV server directly on the same box.

Instructions can be found here, you need to install the TF2 Dedicated server tool and input a few commands to transform it into a TV relay.

Re: HLTV - Who Can Run It? - Mission Difficult - 04-11-2008

Does it record from a fixed perspective? It says something about an auto-director, but that's just a bot that flies around the map, right?

Re: HLTV - Who Can Run It? - CaffeinePowered - 04-11-2008

(04-11-2008, 11:48 AM)Mission Difficult link Wrote: Does it record from a fixed perspective? It says something about an auto-director, but that's just a bot that flies around the map, right?

No, there is an auto-record function, when you record from the spectator slot, it allows you to move the camera anywhere you want while playing the demo. The same is true for HLTV.

This is just a way of allowing everyone to play and moving the recording to another entity. After a night of filming, whoever took the film can copy/paste it into an RAR file and stick it on rapidshare or something like that.

Re: HLTV - Who Can Run It? - Mission Difficult - 04-11-2008

I have a second machine free and have no problem running this tonight. I'll see if I can get it working when I get home from work and let you know if everything is gravy or not.

Re: HLTV - Who Can Run It? - CaffeinePowered - 04-11-2008

(04-11-2008, 12:02 PM)Mission Difficult link Wrote: I have a second machine free and have no problem running this tonight. I'll see if I can get it working when I get home from work and let you know if everything is gravy or not.

Get on steam and we'll see if we can walk through it

Re: HLTV - Who Can Run It? - Fail Medic - 04-11-2008

Caff, I may be confused here, but couldn't the Dtoid server itself run SourceTV?  Like by telling him tv_enable 1, tv_autorecord 1, tv_maxclients 0 as mentioned in your linked article?  And then someone could pull the demo file from him through FTP after a Friday Night Fights finishes up? 

I messed around with that briefly a while back.  I ran TF2 dedicated server on my own PC and I connected to it, did those three commands, and the demo that was recorded captured all activity at all times--in other words, it wasn't limited to knowing what was going on only around the camera point, so you could fly anywhere at any time and players and action and stuff would still be captured and rendered.  Since tv_maxclients is 0, I don't think anyone can connect as a spectator and become a "camera man"... I don't know, I really don't.  Anyway, I remember some difficulty in manipulating the demo to get good movie angles, but I didn't make use of the "Auto Director" AI thing.  I used "Drive" in the demoui view controls to fly away from where Source TV was pointed.

I am indeed talking out of my ass here 'cause I don't know what I'm talking about, but I was just wondering why a volunteer was needed when I thought the host itself could just record a SourceTV demo.  i dunno lol

Re: HLTV - Who Can Run It? - WTF Joel - 04-11-2008

well from what I read yes, when you enable source TV on the server, it records the demo file directly to the server the game is running on.

Re: HLTV - Who Can Run It? - CaffeinePowered - 04-11-2008

yes, I might be able to do this, im just worried if it violates some user agreement, because doing this adds more CPU overhead, ect.

If you do a relay it doesn't add much of anything extra

Re: HLTV - Who Can Run It? - WTF Joel - 04-11-2008

If it was made able to happen, then you using it should not break anything, cause that is one of source games functions. o.o

Re: HLTV - Who Can Run It? - CaffeinePowered - 04-11-2008

well I got it to work, it even increases the slot size of the server to accommodate the TV, and the slots stay the same until you restart the server after stopping the TV. Honestly I'd rather do a proxy relay, not just because I don't like fucking with the slots like that (its almost stealing a slot when the TV isn't there), but using a relay means that someone else just needs to upload the stuff once, this way I have to download all the demos raw with zero compression, then rar them, then reupload them.

With a proxy you can just RAR and upload. Also it means that the only three people that can go snag the photage and upload it are Kor, Myself, and Scotty because its on the server FTP, more work for me. And no I am NOT giving out access to the FTP under any circumstance.

Re: HLTV - Who Can Run It? - Fail Medic - 04-11-2008

If no one else steps up with a suitable setup (2 PCs, etc.), I believe I can do it.  I set up a test dedicated, set up *another* dedicated, got the relay going, and I captured voice and stuff on a demo recorded on the relay server.  I had to change maps first after all the settings were.. set, you know, whatever.  But, yeah.

Re: HLTV - Who Can Run It? - Mission Difficult - 04-11-2008

I'm getting it setup on my other 'puter, so I'll be able to do it once it's finished downloading all these files.  >Sad

Re: HLTV - Who Can Run It? - CaffeinePowered - 04-12-2008

well it has to be run using the relay, last night demonstrated that Sad

Re: HLTV - Who Can Run It? - Mission Difficult - 04-15-2008

So are we going to try this again tonight?

Re: HLTV - Who Can Run It? - CaffeinePowered - 04-15-2008

Im going to try it again with the server running it by itself, I got a suggestion from the server people that might help, we'll see

Re: HLTV - Who Can Run It? - Negate - 04-15-2008

caff have you seen this

Re: HLTV - Who Can Run It? - CaffeinePowered - 04-15-2008

(04-15-2008, 01:09 PM)negate link Wrote: caff have you seen this

yes Ive been using that as a guide, unfortunately its a little short on the kind of information I need.

Re: HLTV - Who Can Run It? - Negate - 04-15-2008

so tv_enable 1 by itself doesn't work?

Re: HLTV - Who Can Run It? - CaffeinePowered - 04-15-2008

(04-15-2008, 01:19 PM)negate link Wrote: so tv_enable 1 by itself doesn't work?

No it works, the problem last Friday was when you do tv_enable 1, it bumps the slot size to accommodate for the bot. The problem being that when that happens, gameservers will eventually hard restart the server when they notice that Im using a slot that I didn't pay for.

That guide has no way of telling me how to disable that feature. I did get a possible fix from one of the GS people and they said if it didn't work to come back and talk to them again.

Tested and it appears to work, we'll see...

Re: HLTV - Who Can Run It? - Negate - 04-15-2008
