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New Fallout game announced. - Printable Version

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New Fallout game announced. - KarthXLR - 04-20-2009

It's just not Fallout 4.

Re: New Fallout game announced. - CaffeinePowered - 04-20-2009

Post a copy of the article text, can't get to kotaku at work, I'd like to at least read it before I criticize it

Re: New Fallout game announced. - Surf314 - 04-20-2009

Fallout New Vegas was announced moments ago during a Bethesda press conference in London.

The new game was revealed by Bethesda's Pete Hines who said that the publisher is working with Obsidian Entertainment on the title.

It will be coming out next year for the PC, Playstation 3 and Xbox 360.

"It is not a sequel to Fallout 3," Hines said. "It's simply another Fallout game in that universe."

It will be the same sort of role-playing game experience seen in Fallot 3, he said. The game's official reveal, with more details and a look at the game down the line.

Hines added that this title will have no impact on what Todd Howard and his team are working on.

Re: New Fallout game announced. - Tragic Hero - 04-20-2009

But none of the games were actual sequels to its predecessor(spelling?).  Well I guess 2 was a sequel to 1 in the sense that you live in the village the vault dweller founded and so forth but other than that...

Makes me wonder what they mean when they are going to make a sequel?  Main Character in 3 is secretly captured and made into an Enclave soldier?

Re: New Fallout game announced. - CaffeinePowered - 04-20-2009

And wholesale franchise rape begins

Now they are gonna move back to the west coast and muck up all the lore from fallout 1 & 2  >Sad

Re: New Fallout game announced. - Ianki - 04-20-2009

(04-20-2009, 10:15 AM)Caffeine link Wrote: And wholesale franchise rape begins

Now they are gonna move back to the west coast and muck up all the lore from fallout 1 & 2  >Sad

Caff's response in an alternative universe where Bethesda never acquired the rights to fallout but produced a very similar post-apoc fpsrpg:
"why don't they just call it Fallout 3 and get it over with >Sad"

I never understood the anger that follows with a company (video games, tv, movies, whatever), decides to produce content within a franchise known to produce some level of imagination and a large amount of known value.  It doesn't make the original content any less enjoyable.

Re: New Fallout game announced. - KorJax - 04-20-2009

To be honest in retrospect I didn't find the world/theme of Fallout 3 that interesting (I found the fantasy theme in Oblivion more interesting to me), so it's a bit disappointing they are jumping on the Fallout ship only a year or two after F3 was released...  which throws up huge warning bells in my head in of itself.

Though for all I know Fallout 1+2's take on post-apocolypitic amercia might have been more of an interesting world/theme to me than Bethesda's take on it, but I can't imagine the general theme would be that different.

Re: New Fallout game announced. - Wedge - 04-20-2009

(04-20-2009, 10:15 AM)Caffeine link Wrote: And wholesale franchise rape begins

Now they are gonna move back to the west coast and muck up all the lore from fallout 1 & 2  >Sad

Hey now, Obsidian was founded by a bunch of ex Black Isle guys, so this could actually be a good chance for things (especially the writing) to turn around.

Re: New Fallout game announced. - Surf314 - 04-20-2009

I liked 3 a lot at first but it quickly got dull because the sidequests were all menial and the story telling was alright but filled with too much filler.  More of the same is a bit disappointing.

Re: New Fallout game announced. - CaffeinePowered - 04-20-2009

(04-20-2009, 10:31 AM)Ianki link Wrote: [quote author=Caffeine link=topic=2738.msg77864#msg77864 date=1240240541]
And wholesale franchise rape begins

Now they are gonna move back to the west coast and muck up all the lore from fallout 1 & 2  >Sad

Caff's response in an alternative universe where Bethesda never acquired the rights to fallout but produced a very similar post-apoc fpsrpg:
"why don't they just call it Fallout 3 and get it over with >Sad"

I never understood the anger that follows with a company (video games, tv, movies, whatever), decides to produce content within a franchise known to produce some level of imagination and a large amount of known value.  It doesn't make the original content any less enjoyable.

I think it detracts value from the original work, that's my perception at least, that does not mean that you or other consumers need to share it.

If they really wanted to make original content they'd make a game from scratch, not borrow a well known name and established universe. I didn't see a -ton- of creativity on their part in 3 and there was a lot of stuff they left out that they could have expanded on, from the myriad of weapons in 2, to the item descriptions, area descriptions, 50's throwbacks, and cultural references. Not all of these were there and those that were had diminished qualities.

I gave them the benefit of the doubt that they might be able to capture the spirit of the original games when they released #3, despite all the shit I had to say about oblivion and all the times I said it was going to suck. It wasn't horrible, but it was disappointing, for all of the worlds "open-ness" I found it to be a fraction of the size of 1 & 2, just because you can wander 2 square miles of game world and find little hidden caches and caves doesn't make shit any more interesting.

I thought 3 sufficiently mucked with the lore just in the way the world was set up, its supposed to be set after 2...yet in 2 you can see sparse forests and recovery, hell even in 1 there's agriculture. I didn't see a single fucking living plant outside of the oasis in 3, which would make sense if it was set a short time after the war, like before 1.

I dunno, I guess I'm just too much of a stickler for detail and like my plot holes at least explained away in some fashion, they could have just made some shit up about why the east coast was doing so much worse than the west.

Who knows maybe they'll do an about face and make something better, I don't know why the hell they didn't include the outdoorsmen skill, maybe they could bring back some kind of world map...

Re: New Fallout game announced. - at0m - 04-20-2009

(04-20-2009, 10:15 AM)Caffeine link Wrote: And wholesale franchise rape begins

Now they are gonna move back to the west coast and muck up all the lore from fallout 1 & 2  >Sad
I doubt it. They're planning on doing Detroit with DLC, but there's a whole set of stories they could tell in Chicago (they've laid the groundwork for some of it by talking about the Brotherhood's travel from California to Chicago to DC in Fallout 3). They could also go to Europe. That would be interesting - zombies speaking different languages 0_o maybe a working maglev train too

Re: New Fallout game announced. - Wedge - 04-20-2009

(04-20-2009, 01:25 PM)at0m link Wrote: [quote author=Caffeine link=topic=2738.msg77864#msg77864 date=1240240541]
And wholesale franchise rape begins

Now they are gonna move back to the west coast and muck up all the lore from fallout 1 & 2  >Sad
I doubt it. They're planning on doing Detroit with DLC, but there's a whole set of stories they could tell in Chicago (they've laid the groundwork for some of it by talking about the Brotherhood's travel from California to Chicago to DC in Fallout 3). They could also go to Europe. That would be interesting - zombies speaking different languages 0_o maybe a working maglev train too

Or you could read the article where it says it's Fallout New Vegas.

Re: New Fallout game announced. - at0m - 04-20-2009

(04-20-2009, 01:36 PM)Wedge link Wrote: [quote author=at0m link=topic=2738.msg77894#msg77894 date=1240251911]
[quote author=Caffeine link=topic=2738.msg77864#msg77864 date=1240240541]
And wholesale franchise rape begins

Now they are gonna move back to the west coast and muck up all the lore from fallout 1 & 2  >Sad
I doubt it. They're planning on doing Detroit with DLC, but there's a whole set of stories they could tell in Chicago (they've laid the groundwork for some of it by talking about the Brotherhood's travel from California to Chicago to DC in Fallout 3). They could also go to Europe. That would be interesting - zombies speaking different languages 0_o maybe a working maglev train too

Or you could read the article where it says it's Fallout New Vegas.

That sucks, because it means Caff is really close to being right...although Vegas is far enough south and east that it's closer to where Fallout 1 took place than anything else. It wasn't in either of the first two games, although I can't speak for Tactics or Brotherhood of Steel since I haven't played through them D:

Re: New Fallout game announced. - CaffeinePowered - 04-20-2009

(04-20-2009, 02:38 PM)at0m link Wrote: [quote author=Wedge link=topic=2738.msg77897#msg77897 date=1240252603]
[quote author=at0m link=topic=2738.msg77894#msg77894 date=1240251911]
[quote author=Caffeine link=topic=2738.msg77864#msg77864 date=1240240541]
And wholesale franchise rape begins

Now they are gonna move back to the west coast and muck up all the lore from fallout 1 & 2  >Sad
I doubt it. They're planning on doing Detroit with DLC, but there's a whole set of stories they could tell in Chicago (they've laid the groundwork for some of it by talking about the Brotherhood's travel from California to Chicago to DC in Fallout 3). They could also go to Europe. That would be interesting - zombies speaking different languages 0_o maybe a working maglev train too

Or you could read the article where it says it's Fallout New Vegas.

That sucks, because it means Caff is really close to being right...although Vegas is far enough south and east that it's closer to where Fallout 1 took place than anything else. It wasn't in either of the first two games, although I can't speak for Tactics or Brotherhood of Steel since I haven't played through them D:

Tactics was Chicago, the midwest, and some of the plains states, I think the climax was in Colorado

BoS doesn't exist, even in Bethesda's book, BoS::Fallout as CDi::Zelda

Re: New Fallout game announced. - ZargonX - 04-20-2009

Sadly, I think the franchise whoring is just beginning.  They also filed for tv and movie rights to the franchise, which could mean nothing, but could also indicate their future plans.  I fully expect that we'll see a Fallout game a year for the next several years (probably these one-offs like New Vegas).  Whether they are any good?  well, time will tell on that one...

Re: New Fallout game announced. - Eschatos - 04-20-2009

I wonder if New Vegas refers to Las Vegas or New Reno.

Re: New Fallout game announced. - Lode - 04-21-2009

Just be thankful it's not titled Fallout: Lost Vegas.

Re: New Fallout game announced. - at0m - 04-21-2009

(04-20-2009, 08:49 PM)Eschatos link Wrote: I wonder if New Vegas refers to Las Vegas or New Reno.
Considering Reno was already turned into New Reno, I'm going to go have to say this one will be Las Vegas.

Re: New Fallout game announced. - KorJax - 05-04-2009

In a somewhat uninsteresting "news" bump I saw "The Fallout Trilogy" for sale at target today for $19.99

Included Fallout 1, 2, and Tactics.  I assume they were tweaked to work on modern machines too but I didn't bother reading the box in detail enough to pick up wither or not that was true.

Also, it even had the old black isle and interplay logo's on there, though the copyright at the bottom was registered to bethesda.


In some kind of bitter irony the box was placed between the Diablo Battlechest box and the Fallout 3 one

Re: New Fallout game announced. - at0m - 05-04-2009

(05-04-2009, 11:03 AM)KorJax link Wrote: In a somewhat uninsteresting "news" bump I saw "The Fallout Trilogy" for sale at target today for $19.99

Included Fallout 1, 2, and Tactics.  I assume they were tweaked to work on modern machines too but I didn't bother reading the box in detail enough to pick up wither or not that was true.

Also, it even had the old black isle and interplay logo's on there, though the copyright at the bottom was registered to bethesda.


In some kind of bitter irony the box was placed between the Diablo Battlechest box and the Fallout 3 one
I bought one copy of Fallout2 that was just a repackaged oldass CD, and didn't work. Then I just went on and got a DRM-free copy that works fine for like $10, which is the same as what I paid for the cheapass one. Well worth it IMO esp since it came with the soundtrack on MP3 and an art book in PDF form.