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today sucked.
Jack Thompson Fan Club Member

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09-22-2008, 11:03 AM

I played percussion for two years in middle school, but I quit because the band director was a total douchebag.


09-22-2008, 12:14 PM

Band Directors are always douchebags and sometimes pedophiles... I don't know why, they just are.

From my personal experience, band was probably the only thing that kept me from going crazy go nuts in high school. I was obsessed with band... basically, I was Michelle from American Pie, I even have the red hair. Two main differences: I wasn't crazy about sex (then) and I didn't play flute... I played sax instead Wink

09-22-2008, 12:22 PM

Snailcat ..@:3

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09-22-2008, 12:44 PM

I really liked band as well as I've said before. I also played the sax... the tenor.

I guess I was lucky though because the instructors liked me and would choose jazz music so that I could have interesting parts to play instead of the usual crap they fed you as a tenor sax. It also helped that I was pretty decent player at the time.

I really actually miss playing a lot since I've been out of school. Wish I could find some folks nearby interested in practicing up.

09-22-2008, 01:05 PM

Hey, the Tenor is quite nice in the jazz setting. I played Alto and Bari in my bands. I loved them both. I also have a soprano that I play on from time to time.
Evil Cheese
Sad Keeanu

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09-22-2008, 01:55 PM

I've played violin in elementary/middle/high school orchestra for four years (not consecutively obviously). I also played clarinet in middle school for a year and found it pretty boring.  I'm somewhat sick of treble/melodic instruments now so I want to pick up bass guitar, I love the sound of a good bass.

I'm glad I never played in marching band. That never seemed like my cup of tea. Also, chill out. It's high school, it's really not worth getting stressed over. I understand the whole trying to better yourself as a musician angle, but you also kind of have to just chill a little instead of getting pissed off at spilled milk.
Seabreeze: That Damn Sniper

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09-22-2008, 02:22 PM

(09-22-2008, 12:14 PM)Lia1878 link Wrote: I wasn't crazy about sex (then)

Ah the things college does to you.

(09-22-2008, 12:44 PM)Luinbariel link Wrote: I really liked band as well as I've said before. I also played the sax... the tenor.

John Coltrane is my hero. I'm even in a facebook group called 'Church of Coltrane'. Even though I'm a percussionist..I love me some Coltrane.


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