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Oprah Winfrey

Posts: 3,067
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12-14-2012, 01:47 PM

Quote:12:45 Socks Dtrain323i: The boosters had a friend i exclusively call tits mcgee, and her tits are amazing.

11:35 Socks Greatbacon_work: Just accept the idea of enemas.
Official Con Soccer Mom

Posts: 7,800
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12-18-2012, 04:12 PM

kaese | can DVD be the new slang for a threesome with two guys

"If you want to be a Double E, bend over and grab your knees...."
"Atom is Sexy!" <-- Donate your own pic to the cause!
Victory needs no explanation. Defeat allows none. -Sun Tzu
Official Con Soccer Mom

Posts: 7,800
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12-20-2012, 04:03 PM

+Karrde | Socks: Karrde
+Socks | Karrde: I forget karrde, are you trying to get
        | the no fur, naked women campaign.
+Karrde | I....what?
+Karrde | Socks: Karrde
+Socks | Karrde: Ok i got that ass-backwards karrde.
+Karrde | yep

"If you want to be a Double E, bend over and grab your knees...."
"Atom is Sexy!" <-- Donate your own pic to the cause!
Victory needs no explanation. Defeat allows none. -Sun Tzu
Official Con Soccer Mom

Posts: 7,800
Joined: Jun 2008
01-08-2013, 04:24 PM

So Socks has a brain again. And this happened:
Rilnac_web | pony should pony pony
Rilnac_web | socks pony
    +Socks | Rilnac_web: Who knows? More importantly, who cares?
Rilnac_web | :(

"If you want to be a Double E, bend over and grab your knees...."
"Atom is Sexy!" <-- Donate your own pic to the cause!
Victory needs no explanation. Defeat allows none. -Sun Tzu
My fursona is a blops attack dog

Posts: 10,103
Joined: Mar 2008
01-08-2013, 05:06 PM


Official Con Soccer Mom

Posts: 7,800
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01-11-2013, 08:53 AM

      @ainmosni | !javascript--
   +Mooseturbot | karma of javascript is now -3
      @ainmosni | still hates it
+Caffeine`work | ainmosni: You'll have a nightmare one day and it
                | will be that there is no linux, no command line,
                | everything is a walled garden, and all languages
                | are now java and php
+Caffeine`work | oh and you have to use 3 sea shells to wipe, and
                | all restaurants are taco bells

"If you want to be a Double E, bend over and grab your knees...."
"Atom is Sexy!" <-- Donate your own pic to the cause!
Victory needs no explanation. Defeat allows none. -Sun Tzu
Official Con Soccer Mom

Posts: 7,800
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02-06-2013, 02:35 PM

@at0m2remote | Socks: Didzo
       +Socks | at0m2remote: Didzo won't say where he lives.
@at0m2remote | TRUTH
       +Didzo | |:
       +Didzo | socks: i don't see how that's relevant
       +Socks | Didzo: We'll see how that's relevant.
       +Didzo | ...

"If you want to be a Double E, bend over and grab your knees...."
"Atom is Sexy!" <-- Donate your own pic to the cause!
Victory needs no explanation. Defeat allows none. -Sun Tzu
A. Crow
Surprise Whopper

Posts: 4,091
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02-07-2013, 11:33 PM

Dtrain323i- Get Off My Lawn: daniel day lewis gets me hard

Oprah Winfrey

Posts: 3,067
Joined: Nov 2009
02-08-2013, 08:24 AM

(02-07-2013, 11:33 PM)LT Crow link Wrote: Dtrain323i- Get Off My Lawn: daniel day lewis gets me hard


11:35 Socks Greatbacon_work: Just accept the idea of enemas.
BRB, Posting

Posts: 1,447
Joined: Sep 2011
02-09-2013, 09:56 AM

from my youtube inbox and looks suspicious to me:

dave said to me
a guy name dave told me to watch your videos and now im glad he did. i think you have awesome talent and you deserve to be alot bigger on yt

if you want you should try using http://bit.ly/Tubebooster and see if it helps. one or 2 guys i know bought 1k subs from it and now they have way more views on their videos.
tell me if it works Big Grin


sam; username: markwatenr

seems odd...
the account is pretty new (2/3/2013)
also he has 7 subs and no vids, decided not to go to the site because google search revealed nothing when i tried to check for it.
reported as well: probably chinese hackers out to recruit rummy and myself

(06-15-2014, 03:27 PM)negate link Wrote:Hah elder you would be ramming it into Dtrains ass.
Official Con Soccer Mom

Posts: 7,800
Joined: Jun 2008
02-09-2013, 10:19 AM

title of that page: BUY YOUTUBE SUBSCRIBERS

"If you want to be a Double E, bend over and grab your knees...."
"Atom is Sexy!" <-- Donate your own pic to the cause!
Victory needs no explanation. Defeat allows none. -Sun Tzu
Booze Makes Me Gay

Posts: 1,557
Joined: Mar 2009
02-09-2013, 12:07 PM

(02-09-2013, 09:56 AM)Elder link Wrote: from my youtube inbox and looks suspicious to me:

dave said to me
a guy name dave told me to watch your videos and now im glad he did. i think you have awesome talent and you deserve to be alot bigger on yt

if you want you should try using http://bit.ly/Tubebooster and see if it helps. one or 2 guys i know bought 1k subs from it and now they have way more views on their videos.
tell me if it works Big Grin


sam; username: markwatenr

seems odd...
the account is pretty new (2/3/2013)
also he has 7 subs and no vids, decided not to go to the site because google search revealed nothing when i tried to check for it.
reported as well: probably chinese hackers out to recruit rummy and myself
I get a few of these messages per month, with identical phrasing. Just report as spam
BRB, Posting

Posts: 1,447
Joined: Sep 2011
02-09-2013, 06:48 PM

looked at profile comments after posting = spam bot

(06-15-2014, 03:27 PM)negate link Wrote:Hah elder you would be ramming it into Dtrains ass.
My fursona is a blops attack dog

Posts: 10,103
Joined: Mar 2008
02-10-2013, 06:48 AM

i am real human. i can speak for this service. is not spam

BRB, Posting

Posts: 1,899
Joined: Jun 2009
02-11-2013, 07:22 PM

[tt]15:01 StolenToast http://youtu.be/t8QEOBgLBQU
15:01 Mooseturbot youtu.be: Gabe Newell: Reflections of a Video Game Maker - YouTube
15:01 StolenToast it's an hour long interview with Gaben
15:02 StolenToast who watches the watchmen?
15:03 StolenToast also I like Gabe's voice
15:03 StolenToast maybe that's weird[/tt]

[Image: i9pkpXG.jpg]
(This post was last modified: 02-11-2013, 07:25 PM by k0ala.)
Official Con Soccer Mom

Posts: 7,800
Joined: Jun 2008
02-22-2013, 09:54 PM

In the 'almost as bad as tweeting that the building is on fire' category, FlyingMongoose:
20:39:11            +Karrde | anyone feeling planetsidey tonight?
20:40:53    +FlyingMongoose | I am... but I'm at work
20:40:56    +FlyingMongoose | so you're kind of SOL on that
20:41:55            +Karrde | I'm still dealing with dinner
20:42:00            +Karrde | just finished cleaning beer stuff
21:01:06    +FlyingMongoose | I'm out
21:01:36                <-- | FlyingMongoose
                           | (webchat@flyingmongoose.user.gamesurge) has quit
                           | (Quit: Page closed)
21:30:27                 | FlyingMongoose
                           | (webchat@flyingmongoose.user.gamesurge) has joined
                           | #brbuninstalling
21:30:27                 -- | Mode #brbuninstalling [+v FlyingMongoose] by
                           | ChanServ
21:30:27          @ChanServ | [FlyingMongoose] "(such as the buttocks)"
21:30:36    +FlyingMongoose | aaand my truck is not starting
21:34:31                <-- | FlyingMongoose
                           | (webchat@flyingmongoose.user.gamesurge) has quit
                           | (Quit: Page closed)

And a followup:
23:28:37                 | FlyingMongoose
                            | (webchat@flyingmongoose.user.gamesurge) has joined
                            | #brbuninstalling
23:28:37                 -- | Mode #brbuninstalling [+v FlyingMongoose] by
                            | ChanServ
23:28:37          @ChanServ | [FlyingMongoose] "(such as the buttocks)"
23:28:46    +FlyingMongoose | hi at0m2remote
23:45:39                 | Chugalug (~Matt@pool-173-55-62-233.lsanca.dsl-w.ve
                            | rizon.net) has joined #brbuninstalling
23:53:02                <-- | FlyingMongoose
                            | (webchat@flyingmongoose.user.gamesurge) has quit
                            | (Quit: Page closed)

"If you want to be a Double E, bend over and grab your knees...."
"Atom is Sexy!" <-- Donate your own pic to the cause!
Victory needs no explanation. Defeat allows none. -Sun Tzu
(This post was last modified: 02-23-2013, 12:39 AM by at0m.)

Posts: 2,633
Joined: Apr 2008
02-23-2013, 07:54 AM

well sooory, I was waiting for triple A and the dude showed up... then I got my truck started, got home, then checked a few things, including iRC... then went to sleep.

[Image: b_350_20_323957_202743_F19A15_111111.png]
BRB, Posting

Posts: 1,447
Joined: Sep 2011
03-07-2013, 12:55 PM

<+Elder> socks: is TOH a man?
<+Socks> Elder: Is toh a man.
* +Elder slaps socks around a bit with a large trout
<+kaese> ^
<+Elder> socks: useless robots
<+TOH> socks: what am i
<+Socks> Elder: Buy a whole bunch of anime robots tearing each other apart in very pretty ways.

(06-15-2014, 03:27 PM)negate link Wrote:Hah elder you would be ramming it into Dtrains ass.

03-08-2013, 06:35 PM


[Image: tumblr_lvbg32hDMf1r7ncqyo1_500.gif]

I am now going to demonstrate the proper way to post a selfie in the copypasta thread.

Grandmother wrote:  
ON THE NEWS Be alert when walking home and to work. There are robbers in <$YOUR> County using a TAZZER gun on people and when you can't move they are robbing you They have done it to four people so far and the cops haven't caught them yet BE CAREFUL and ALERT tell <$GIRLFRIEND> also You two walk alot love

Me wrote:
Why didn't you get me a TAZZER for Christmas???

It sounds fun!

Grandmother wrote:  
how about I get you one now and you can Tazzer your mouth

BRB, Posting

Posts: 1,136
Joined: Jan 2012
03-08-2013, 08:30 PM

Tazzer sounds like a delicious drink, she was just trying to help.

[Image: MNON0Oe.png][Image: tumblr_m360cgh8CN1rui512o1_400.gif][Image: 1251089773538.gif][Image: 1251089773538.gif][Image: 1251089773538.gif][Image: 1251089773538.gif][Image: 1251089773538.gif][Image: 1251089773538.gif][Image: 1251089773538.gif][Image: 1251089773538.gif][Image: 1251089773538.gif][Image: 1251089773538.gif][Image: 1251089773538.gif][Image: 1251089773538.gif][Image: 1251089773538.gif]

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