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The Rain-Slick Precipice of Darkness 3 Codes!
BRB, Posting

Posts: 1,736
Joined: May 2008
05-20-2013, 04:27 PM

"To help the world prepare for the big finish of
Penny Arcade’s On the Rain-Slick Precipice
of Darkness series next month, the penultimate
game is available for free. "


Been meaning to pick up the third one.

[move][Image: snailkittygoleft.gif][Image: snailSingoleft.gif][Image: snailAxirothgoleft.gif][Image: snailLuinbarielgoleft.gif][Image: snailpryogoleft.gif][Image: snailspennygoleft.gif][Image: snailMinzgoleft.gif][Image: snailRinnsgoleft.gif][Image: snailChuruyago.gif][Image: snailheavygo.gif][Image: snailRigorMortisgoleft.gif][Image: snailherejonnygoleft.gif][Image: koopeyebot50.gif][Image: cuddlescrawlleft.gif]
[Image: lolsgcatgunhugger.gif]
Strangest comment I've read sofar
"do you stroke your rack when you lie awake in bed at night... dreaming of the oven that got away?"

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