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Friday Night Fights 5/30 - Printable Version

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Friday Night Fights 5/30 - CaffeinePowered - 05-30-2008

Typical FNF is typical

One new map, some general pubbing, and maybe a pick-up

ctf_geothermal_b2 - just looks all around badass, and we always need more good CTF maps, gg valve for providing us with one 10 year old CTF map, and one very very lazy port.

8pm Tonight, Password is 'point'

Reserved slots have BEEN FIXED on both the #2 server and the European server, sorry to all those on Tuesday that had issues getting into server #2.

Re: Friday Night Fights 5/30 - Tragic Hero - 05-30-2008

Ooooo...that is quite a sexy looking map

Re: Friday Night Fights 5/30 - Chooly - 05-30-2008

Geothermal will be insane

Re: Friday Night Fights 5/30 - Negate - 05-30-2008

Yay for reservy fixedness. Also much yes to a possibly good ctf map.

Re: Friday Night Fights 5/30 - Surf314 - 05-30-2008

I have been culling the internets for a CZ2 port.  Yes I know I am obsessed.

None found, I think that TF2 just doesn't have the options available to do it effectively.  It's a point capture map where you have to push flags to the points (5).  If you just had it be a capture point it'd be lame (most of the fun comes from killing the flag carriers on their way to the points).  Also team points are tallied while the game is being played and rounds are basically the full map rotation time.

Plus you need to be able to blow up their flag room.  Blowing up their flag room resets all their point captures and gives you a shit load of points ;D

I guess this could be done without it being a flag push.  But at a minimum there must be a way to score team points without resetting the round to make this map work.  And you need a detpack or similar for the command room feature - by far the must have feature in this map.

Re: Friday Night Fights 5/30 - Eschatos - 05-30-2008

Sadly I will not be available tonight.  Going to a party.

Re: Friday Night Fights 5/30 - ScottyGrayskull - 05-30-2008

I have two softball games tonight, so at best I'll be a little late. Really depends on if I feel like going out dancing after. Smile

Re: Friday Night Fights 5/30 - fyre - 05-30-2008

(05-30-2008, 10:29 AM)Surf314 link Wrote: I have been culling the internets for a CZ2 port.

Make one. That map was the only reason I played FF for a month.  I think it would translate well to the TF2 gameplay.

Re: Friday Night Fights 5/30 - CaffeinePowered - 05-30-2008

You can translate CZ2 to TF2 gameplay, just don't run flags and make the cap times really long

Can make a destroyable item in the command room that on destroy -> team caps = neutral

Re: Friday Night Fights 5/30 - Surf314 - 05-30-2008

(05-30-2008, 12:31 PM)CaffeinePowered link Wrote: You can translate CZ2 to TF2 gameplay, just don't run flags and make the cap times really long

Can make a destroyable item in the command room that on destroy -> team caps = neutral

Thanks for teaching me one of the 1000 of other things I need to learn before I can do this Tongue

PS I would be willing to actually work on this, would need lots of help and could be mostly least for the initial part.  I am a pretty quick learner.

Re: Friday Night Fights 5/30 - 1Trace1 - 05-30-2008

I remember Zargon saying that there are a lot of decent guides on how to make maps with hammer out there.

Re: Friday Night Fights 5/30 - Vandamguy - 05-30-2008

if you're going to do it surf ,split up the responsiblities. 
someone does teh scripting , someone does the map creation , someone does the texturing. thats the way most pro maps are done

Re: Friday Night Fights 5/30 - CaffeinePowered - 05-30-2008

(05-30-2008, 02:25 PM)1Trace1 link Wrote: I remember Zargon saying that there are a lot of decent guides on how to make maps with hammer out there.

No, theres a lack of decent guides, theres some basic stuff to get you started, but from then on its a personal learning experience. I regularly ask WTF Deathkiller and Drunkengun (Labor Author) questions when I get stuck on stuff, and sometimes both of them dont have any clue how to do it.

Re: Friday Night Fights 5/30 - fyre - 05-30-2008

I made a CTF map a few months ago. Hammer looks intimidating, but it's not too hard to learn the basics. The TF2Maps forums are pretty good if you have questions.

Re: Friday Night Fights 5/30 - Eschatos - 05-30-2008

Just use the guide on the Hammer Wiki.  It walks you through a ton of stuff.  I managed to learn the basics in about an hour, back when I was making a map.

Re: Friday Night Fights 5/30 - Kor - 05-30-2008

(05-30-2008, 11:18 AM)Eschatos link Wrote: Sadly I will not be available tonight.  Going to a party.

(05-30-2008, 11:32 AM)ScottyGrayskull link Wrote: Really depends on if I feel like going out dancing after. Smile

Bullshit 2: The Shiteing

I'm there, this time without failing to get in on time.

Re: Friday Night Fights 5/30 - copulatingduck - 05-30-2008

Probably won't make it. I've got work.  Sad

edit: I might be able to pop in on my failtop. But I won't have a mic, and I'll have to go afk every few minutes. Will see about it, but I not promising nutchin'.

Re: Friday Night Fights 5/30 - CaffeinePowered - 05-30-2008

Dtoid post is up

Re: Friday Night Fights 5/30 - rumsfald - 05-31-2008

(05-30-2008, 03:54 PM)Kor link Wrote: I'm there, this time without failing to get in on time.

Not quite, but at least you showed up in time to help your team take some pickup lumps on dbowl.  The voice chatter on Team Negate was quite pumped up to face off against Team Spore and his #1/#2 picks of Caff/Kor.

Re: Friday Night Fights 5/30 - CaffeinePowered - 05-31-2008

(05-31-2008, 09:40 AM)rumsfald link Wrote: [quote author=Kor link=topic=401.msg9478#msg9478 date=1212180868]

I'm there, this time without failing to get in on time.

Not quite, but at least you showed up in time to help your team take some pickup lumps on dbowl.  The voice chatter on Team Negate was quite pumped up to face off against Team Spore and his #1/#2 picks of Caff/Kor.

I dont think we should ever be on the same team, we end up losing, I dont think we've had an instance where both of us have gotten on the same team and won